Sunday, August 31, 2014

Stannard Beach Association Annual Meeting August 31, 2014

Stannard Beach Association Annual Meeting August 31, 2014 
Connell Pavilion 9 a m breakfast
The minutes of the meeting dated June 29, 2014 were read. Edits include: Move dead end sign in front of Mike Grennan’s house to telephone pole on right side of 2nd Ave. Install stop sign at corner of 2nd Ave and Beach Court. Motion to accept the minutes with edits made by Merle Katzman, 2nd by George Palmer, all voted to accept with edits.

Treasurer’s Report by Laura Petchler, treasurer. Assessments went out at the beginning of July and are due by September 1, 2014. Assn assessments cover grounds maintenance and beautification, trash collection, security and capital improvements.
In checking there is $105,120 and in savings there is $6030. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Barbara Berkowitz and 2nd by George Palmer. All voted to accept.

The pizza truck has been booked for next year, on the last Friday evening before the General Meeting.

The erosion study has been submitted to DEEP and has still not been responded to.
An article in the Hartford Courant today is all about a man on the CT River who put up a breakwater to prevent his property from erosion/sliding into the river. The State of CT told him to take it down, so the property owner took his case to the supreme court and lost – he must remove the breakwater! So we must move in accordance with the law.
DEEP may take 1-2 years to respond to us.

3 families have children getting married this year!
Paul and Ali Shlien
Ed and Linda Pinn
George and Carmela Dallas

New Business: BOD elections: Steve Mason presented the proposed slate of officers and directors for fiscal year 2014-2015 as chairperson Sandy Seidman could not be here.

President: George Dallas
First Vice President: John Abella
Second Vice President: Steve Powers
Secretary: Sharon Bender
 Three Year Directors: Richard Glassman, Maureen Keegan, Jerry Skolnick
Two Year Directors: Michael Grennan, Connie Tosto, Michael Guinan
One Year Directors: David Caslin, Mark Miller, Paul Shlien
Leaving the board are: Michael Rottblatt, Marty Webber, Lincoln Tedeschi
Motion to accept the slate as presented made by George Palmer, 2nd by Merle Katzman, all voted to accept the slate as presented.

By laws: the last document we have is from 2004, so Sharon Bender and Laura Petchler have incorporated all the voted in amendments and edits since then. The document will be circulated via email to everyone, and please send in suggestions to a list of contacts that George will provide.
Is there a need for any new rule? Any changes? The suggested changes will be presented at the next General Meeting and at the General meeting after that they will be voted upon. Should the document “legislative Act” that created the borough be included in the by laws?  SBA came into being in around 1900 and we became a borough some years later.
This is an important step and all are invited to participate.
Thank you to Mary Rottblatt, Vy Kava and Marie Garabedian for putting together the breakfast today!
Any other new business? Peter Black brought up that a bench is needed at the playground for adults to sit on. 
Adam Schwartz mentioned that the Pavilion needs maintenance: overhead screening and rebuild rotted wood portions.
Robin Schwartz: Please pick up after your dog! Poop bag dispensing stations were put in place 2 years ago. Please use them!  Also there is too much barking! Please keep dogs quiet

Merle Katzman made a motion to adjourn, George Palmer 2nd, all voted to adjourn at 9:40 a m.
Submitted by Sharon Bender

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