Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Minutes of July 1, 2007 General Meeting

Minutes of the Stannard Beach Association General Meeting

President Brown called a General Meeting at the Joan Connell Community Center. The meeting was called order at approximately 9:10 am on 7/1/07.

A Moment of Silence was observed in memory of the passing of Newton Brenner, George Dembar, and Sel Berson.

President Brown welcomed new members Pat and Keith Charles, at 56 Ripley Hill Road.

The minutes of previous General Meeting on 8/27/07 were read and accepted. President Brown announced that Elin Katz had set up a blog site at He moved that from now on, minutes would be posted on the blogsite, and we could dispense with the reading of the minutes. The motion was approved.

President’s Report:

1. Security guards were hired from 6/27 to 9/3 with the following schedule:

Wed/Thurs 7 pm- 11pm
Fri 6 pm – 10 pm
Saturday 12 pm – 8 pm
Sunday 10 am – 6 pm
July 3rd` 7 pm – 10 pm
Labor Day 2 pm – 10 pm

2. Parking issue last year with Water’s Edge fireworks: There will be bicycle patrols and guards posed at beach entrances this year. After 5 pm all drivers entering the breach will need to security guard. Guests will need name of resident they are visiting.

3. Debbie Katz will chair the beach picnic – date TBD.

4. Underground tanks have been a major problem. Pres. Brown has contact name of someone who can help.

5. Issue with Foxwood Apts. using beach playground and basketball court. Security guards will help address.

6. Nominating Committee is made up of Sandy Seidman, George Palmer, Dennis Hersh, Bill Wrang, Lew Case, John Reed, and Robin Schwartz.

7. COB – no phase in of re-evaluation

8. George Palmer issues:

- A tree will be removed along Avenue C
- The trees along the tennis court will be cut back at a cost of $825
- There was a delay in beach cleanup – should be done next week (logs removed)
- The basketball court was resurfaced. $6,695. A plaque to Anita Katz will be dedicated at August picnic.
- The pavilion was repaired
- Garage pick-up is Mondays until September, then changed back to Thursdays. Recycling pick-up is Wednesday year-round.

9. Steve Mason will put in the buoys as usual.

Old Business.

1. Flooding and Roadways Committee comprised of George Dallas and Sandy Seidman. George is looking into solutions for the Cedar Lane/Stannard Court corner. There is the possibility of collecting water to drain into salt marsh.

2. Ralph Smalley spoke on behalf of the Design Committee. He has a proposal to deal with conflicts and controversies that will occur because of building issues (attached). He will put the proposal on the blog. Tabled issue for further discussion.

New Business:

1. Budget was reviewed and all attendees given a copy.

2. Next meeting is scheduled for Sunday morning before Labor Day, 9 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Elin Swanson Katz



a) A building commissioner be appointed by the President of the Board;

b) that a civil engineering firm be indentified as a consultant to the community to serve on an as-needed basis for the purpose of reviewing application received by the building commissioner;

c) that the President or his designee is authorized to meet with the appropriate officials of the Town of Westbrook to establish an agreement whereby the Town will review diligently all site plans and grading plans for proposed projects in Stannard Beach and will forward such plans to the Board of Stannard Beach for review and approval prior to the Town prior to its granting its own approval;

d) that the President or his designee upon meeting with the appropriate officials from the Town of Westbrook, shall be satisfied that the ordinances and administration procedure of the Town are adequate to meet the concerns of Stannard Beach, and if upon such review, considers the Town’s ordinances or procedure insufficient, shall so report to the Board for its further consideration.

Moved by Ralph Smalley
Seconded by Harvey Fishman

Reference to “building commissioner” be replaced by a “building commission.”

Moved by Linda Pinn

Amendment accepted.

After discussion, the motion and amendment were tabled until the next general meeting.