Friday, June 1, 2007

Minutes from May 20, 2007 Board Meeting

Board Meeting

A board meeting was called to order at the home of Lou Brown at 8:30 am on May 20, 2007.

1. Treasurer’s Report: John Reed

Checking account $30,766
Reserve fund/CB 5,292

Reserve for maintenance: $2,500.
Total available for 2008: $33,568
Last year ended with a $4,000 deficit
A new budget will be posted prior to the regular meeting on 7/1/07.
The present mill rate is 1.4%.
The report was accepted.

2. President’s Report

a. There were three deaths: Newton Brenner, George Dembar, and Sel Berson.

b. There remains an existing lien of $3800 on the property built by Paula McDonald.

c. The basketball court has been paved and will be dedicated at the August picnic.

d. In response to a complaint Pres. Brown received, a letter was sent to the owner of Foxwood Apartments requesting its tenants not use our beach or playground facilities.

e. No breakins were reported though several mailboxes were knocked down.

f. Becky Webber and Raimi Slater have volunteered to help with the August picnic -- a project leader is needed.

g. The Nominating Committee for this year is: Sandy Seidman, Chair; George Palmer; Dennis Hersh; Bill Wrang; Robin Schwartz.

h. The Council of Beaches will push for a property reevaluation phase-in, but this is unlikely to succeed.

i. An underground tank has leaked at 19 Beach Court, causing a costly and prolonged cleanup. Anyone with an underground tank should be careful to avoid the problem.

j. Paul Schlien has requested use of the pavilion for a private party on 6/30/07. He was informed that it must be ready for the General Meeting at 9 am on 7/1/07.

k. Ron Lyman has restored the major portion of the right of way to the west of his construction by the May 1, 2007 deadline. He will be held to compliance with the building rules during the season as outlined on our ordinances.

3. Old Business

a. Sandy Seidman has confirmed our security guard contract. Hours will be 6 pm – 10 pm on Wednesday and Friday; Saturday 10 am – 6 pm; Sunday 12 pm – 8 pm.

b. George Dallas discussed the drainage problems and explained several possible solutions. These will be coordinated with future repaving of our roads. George Dalls and Sandy Seidman will co-chair a “Road-Flooding” committee and give a preliminary report at the General Meeting.

Water was noted to be collecting in the parking lot at the north end of Cedar Lane. A short term solution is the application stones to enhance drainage. The board appropriated $2,500 for this.

c. Design Committee – Ralph Smalley: no report.

d. George Palmer report:

1. Garbage pickup will be Monday starting June 1 – collectibles will be picked up on Thursday.

2. Repairs as needed have been done to the pavilion.

3. Dead trees have been removed on Avenue C – the stumps will be done once in early June – other cleanup will be at the expense of individual residents.

e. Council of Beaches – no report

4. New Business

a. One new resident: Keith and Pat Charles

b. A request was made to assume that the Beach Association insure its ownership of the right of way between 77 and 87 Second Avenue similar to the one executed between 65 and 75 Second Avenue. The board felt this was appropriate. Attorney Glenn Turk will be asked to effect this.

c. There was a general discussion of drainage in front of beach front cottages which will fall under the province of the Roads – Flooding Committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Elin Swanson Katz,
(Merle Katz reporting).