Saturday, September 10, 2011

Annual Mtg notes September 10. 2011

Stannard Beach Association, Annual Meeting, Saturday, September 10, 2011

The meeting was called to order by George Dallas, President of the Association.

Minutes of the prior meeting dated July 3, 2011 were read. Motion to accept minutes made by Dennis Hersh and seconded by Trudy Brown. Minutes voted to be accepted as presented.

Treasurer’s report: John Kava, Treasurer, gave the report, which is attached to these minutes. John reported an amount of $67,900 in the bank accounts. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report made by Merle Katz and seconded by Clark Harris. Treasurer’s report accepted as presented.

DEP: a 1992 agreement allowed for jetty #3 to be built. It included provisions to protect the base of the seawall between jetty #2 and jetty #3, provide a sandy beach in that area and the association would maintain a level of sand within 10 feet of the seawall to allow the jetties to be traversed.  But there is not enough sand to move and moving what is there will destroy a lot of sea life if the sand bar is moved. After many emails and phone calls an engineer was hired to make a survey of the area. Sid Holbrook, who was previously with the DEP, was also hired to help. The recommendations: 1. cannot move sand  and 2., put in Armour Stone (used to be called rip rap) at base of seawall. Sue Bailey at DEP will plead our case to her bosses as she feels we made a very good case and have done a thorough study. Sue Bailey knows we can amend the 1992 agreement and agrees that what was true 19 years ago is probably not true today. She suggests we amend the agreement such that if we cannot get enough sand up to where we need it we put in a set of stairs, but she agrees we do not need a set of stairs as folks can walk around the jetty at low tide.
Lou Brown thanked George Dallas for his 5 years of work on this issue. Jackie Zwallinger thought the agreement was to provide sand, not riprap. Sara Lee Black wondered how far the rip rap will go and George said 20 feet. Can the agreement be annulled? Maybe, after the
Armour Stone is done.  Lots of discussion ensued. When the association asked DEP for permission to build jetty #3, the permit came with the 1992 agreement. The agreement says a level of sand is to be maintained in the area on the insides of jetty #3 to inside of jetty #2.
Irene Nichols asked why does one property get something and she does not. George Dallas responded that the agreement states the area between jetty #2 and jetty #3.
If the Armour Stone is destroyed by nature whose responsibility is it to replace it?  If the Association decides to amend or annul the agreement after this situation is resolved, then it is not the association’s problem. George Dallas is waiting for communication from DEP that is permission to install Armour Stone. Then the association needs to appropriate funds but we do not know how much it will cost.  Jim Kiely was president at the time the 1992 agreement was done. Newton Brenner and Irv Bernstein worked on it for a year and a half. DEP would only let us rebuild jetty #3 with these agreements, since we had not repaired or maintained it regularly. DEP may ask us to lower jetty #2 so sand can move more readily over it. The location of the area of discussion was delineated as down to the Old Saybrook end of Stannard Beach.

Ripley Hill resident Jerry Skolnick said he pays taxes to an association for a beach he cannot use as there are only 2 dedicated rights of way, with very little actual beach area he is free and welcome to use. Harvey Robbins agreed there is very limited beach access and beach area for non waterfront owners.

Second Avenue paving/drainage: Second Avenue needs to be repaved but first drainage issues must be addressed as the change in elevation is 10 – 15 feet from Water’s Edge to Beach Court. Jim Kiely is working on it.

Trash: pick up will be on Thursdays as of October first. Recycling pick up remains the same – Wednesdays.

Mr. and Mrs. John and Diane Wolf were introduced as the buyers of the Reed house.

Security Guards: Do we need security guards? Break ins are less now, though they did occur previously off season. The guard works Friday 6-10 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at a cost of about $15,000 in 2011. Jackie Zwallinger made a motion to eliminate the guard, seconded by Jerry Skolnick. The motion was amended to include holidays.  David Caslin said it was not fair to vote on any discussion when the meeting is occurring on a different than regular date from prior Annual meetings due to the storm, and many folks are absent. Dennis Hersh said he was the last president before security was brought in and there were a myriad of issues including lots of strangers coming to the beach, strangers using the parking lot and using the swing sets, all of which we are liable for. Strangers on the beach need to be asked to leave. Dennis then said there were lots of folks with security issues not at the meeting due to storm damage to their homes, and a motion to table the motion was made by Dennis Hersh, seconded by Dave Caslin. 19 voted in favor of tabling the motion, 12 against tabling the motion. Motion tabled 19 to 12.  John Kava suggested cutting back the hours, which we increased this past year, or not have him carry a gun, which costs more per hour. Discussion ensued about how the hours were used. Early hours were to keep trespassers out of Stannard Beach. Late night hours as kids come from Water’s edge, and there are bottles and breakage on the tennis courts and seawalls.

Mary Rosenblatt said someone put a hammock up on her property.
Barbara Mason made a motion that the guard not carry a gun as he only needed to carry a gun to earn the extra money per hour. Motion seconded by Lynn Nathan. Steve Mason suggested voting on the annual guard question and maximum amount to be spent on security be voted on now as we do not meet again until next July 2012. Mark Miller said he never heard any discussion about the gun being an extra message for Brian, security. He has heard many passionate reasons why the gun was wanted and needed. Motion to table the “carry gun or not” issue made by Dennis Hersh and seconded by Dave Caslin. Motion to table defeated 13 to 10. Discussion ensued. What is meant by “armed”?  There was a motion on the floor for the guard not to carry a gun or taser. 19 voted in favor of no gun or taser, 7 in favor of a gun, therefore if we have security next year he will not be armed with a legal “weapon”.
George Dallas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dennis Hersh. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Bender, secretary. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Notice of Annual mtg Aug 28. 2011


August 5, 2011


SUNDAY August 28, 2011

9:00 AM


COFFEE and....will be served from 8:30 prior to the meeting

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Bender

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stannard Beach Assn general MTG 7.3.2011

Stannard Beach Association General Meeting July 3, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m. by George Dallas, President of the Association.

Minutes of the prior meeting dated August 29, 2010, were read. A motion to accept the minutes as read was by Marie Garabedian and seconded by Merle Katzman. All present voted to accept the minutes as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: John Kava, Treasurer, gave the report, which is attached to these minutes. John reported an amount of $30,000 in the bank accounts as of today, July 3, 2011. Proposed mill rate for Stannard Beach Association will be 1.30. This is a change from 1.15 last year.  The proposed budget for 2011-2012 shows assessment income increasing from $66,800 to $75,600. A motion was made by    Dennis Hersh to accept the proposed budget and seconded by John Abella. All present voted in favor of accepting the proposed budget.

New Residents: Brian and Nancy Petronio purchased Mark Hoberman’s house. Dave and Darcy Caslin sold their house to Sheralyn Marsh and purchased Ralph and Diane Smalley’s house. John Reed’s house is being purchased by John Wolff, the grandson of the original owner.

DEP: We have received a notice from the DEP saying we are in violation of a 1992 agreement that was part of the permission to build jetty #3. The Association Board of Directors allocated money $5000, less than was needed for a general vote, to look into the situation and are dealing with it.

Security: Our guard has been asked to be vigilant about parking and attention by drivers to stop signs. Safety is of highest concern. Please also be careful backing up out of your driveways.

Golf carts: Carts need to be monitored as children and young teenagers driving them are illegal without a valid driver’s license, as well as being often out of control.

Noise: Please be quiet and considerate after 10 p.m. This is a Westbrook as well as Stannard Beach ordinance.

Beach chairs: Waterfront owners generally own from 2nd Avenue to the high tide line. Therefore please do not leave chairs on or in front of private sea walls. Please keep chairs, boats and all types of equipment and toys out of the right of ways as these pose a safety hazard to folks trying to traverse the right of way, as well as impede emergency vehicles.

Other business: Peter Black asked the Association to reconsider allocation of assessments. Waterfront properties pay much more. The Council of Beaches is also looking into this question for all beaches in New England. Stannard Beach works off of the Westbrook town grand list. Cornfield Point charges everyone in the association the same, regardless of location. Our Association is not required to follow the town guidelines and grand list. Peter Black made a motion to look into more equal distribution of assessments, seconded by Irene Nichols. All present voted against the motion, which failed.

Dogs on sand and sand bar: CT state law says that no dogs are allowed on the beach because if they “make a deposit” it fouls the beach and water. A sign will be posted on the last jetty by the creek facing Pointina Beach.

Mail vs email: Folks who do not have email accounts may have their information printed and mailed or hand delivered to them. Lynn Nathan will hand deliver information to Raelea Bobrow.
There will be no more paper distribution of information except to approximately 10 people without email addresses. A PDF of the directory will be sent to all for you to download and print, if you so choose, on your own.

The crowd thanked George Dallas for a job well done as well as his present efforts as President.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Bender, Secretary

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Board of directors mtg May 29. 2011

Stannard Beach Association Board of Directors Meeting 5/29/11 Meeting called to order at 9 a.m. by President George Dallas Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer John Kava reported that 2 addresses owe money to the Association. The budget report for July 1, 2010 – May 29, 2011 was distributed and approved. See attachment. The proposed budget for 2011-2012 will be emailed to association member households prior to the next association general meeting on Sunday, July 3, 2011. Old Business: The DEP says we are out of compliance with a 1992 maintenance agreement. The Association had sand moved on Thursday May 12 to the area between jetty #2 and jetty #3 but it washed away quickly. Linda Pinn reported that she has been at this beach since she was a small child and the Eastern area of beach has never in all these years had a sandy beach where you could lay down on a towel, so how can we change the way it has always been, a little more or a little less over the passing years. George Dallas will consult with Elin Katz and Sid Holbrook. Trash pick up: George Palmer was not in attendance to report. (He has since advised that pick-up switches to Thursday effective June 2) Beach clean up: George Palmer was not in attendance to report. It was suggested that fencing be installed below the bleachers because when a ball rolls underneath the bleachers and into the street the children follow after it and run out into the road, posing a safety hazard for all. It was agreed to install the safety fencing. (George Dallas will meet with Dan Medeiros weekend of June 4-5 to spec out) It was suggested that yellow stripes be painted at the intersection of Maple Ave and 2nd Ave as speed signage/gates cannot stay up until after the end of the school year as buses need full clearance to pass along the roads. Gates will be put up temporarily on the weekends as is possible until the end of the school year, and then be put out permanently for the summer. All property owners are requested to trim back their trees, bushes, hedges and greenery to allow for clear sight lines along roadways, intersections, down straight streets and along sidewalks, for safety reasons. People and vehicles must be able to see what is around the corner and down the street and be able to pass unobstructed. The brush on the periphery of the tennis courts will be cut back. There is an electrical problem at Stannard Beach today and CL&P is repairing the problem which caused power reductions and outages. Picnic: The association membership will be polled at the general meeting in July as to the interest in having a picnic this summer. Volunteers will be asked for at the general meeting to put together a picnic if one is desired. Paving 2nd Ave: George Dallas is getting 3 proposals for the paving. Security: The new security guard for 2011 is George, and one returning guard named Jorge. Brian is working off and on due to other responsibilities. Fireworks: Tuesday, July 3 are the Water’s Edge fireworks. 3 guards are working; one at the top of Ripley Hill Road, to be shared with Water’s Edge, one at Cedar Lane and one on 2nd Ave. George Dallas requested that association members let him know the names of invited guests and he will give the information to the guards. Guests are requested to know the name and address of the person they are visiting. Next meeting date: The general meeting of the Stannard Beach Association will take place at 9 a.m. on Sunday, July 3 in the Connell Pavilion, and includes breakfast. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.