Sunday, June 22, 2014

Stannard Beach Assn Board of Directors Mtg June 22, 2014

Stannard Beach Association Board of Directors Mtg June 22, 2014

Several cars were broken into, on Friday, June 21, by breaking windows, in the guest parking lot. Signs will be put up indicating the area is under surveillance. There was one break in last year and one the year before. Folks will be reminded not to leave valuables in cars. Are used car dealers parking cars in the guest lot?

Budget: Laura Petchler is the new Association Treasurer. We have  $80,463.09, comprised of one CD for $6030.77 and $72,685.53 in savings and checking.
Treasurer’s report attached.

Outstanding dues: 2 families Diana Colangelo (Tom) and Richard Rosenblatt and Evelyn Podnetsky. There is nothing in the by laws to address non-payment.

There are no fireworks at Water’s Edge this year, so we will save almost $1000 in security costs. Dan Medeiros was paid $950 to clean the beach and prepare the gates.

CL&P took down 12 trees and took away most of the debris.

Do we establish a capital funds savings acct? Need a slush fund.
Capital projects=major projects in the current budget. The Board may spend up to  $10,000 at a board level, and above that amount must get full Association approval. Any money that is not spent should be set-aside in a reserve fund.
Sharon Bender and Laura Petchler will look at the old notes to clarify the budget requirements for next weekend’s meeting.

Mil rate: Last year’s grand list was $45,423,310 x mil rate of 1.67 = $75,800
Projected revenue:
This year’s grand list is $46,473,600 x mil rate of 1.67= $77,610.91
The mil rate will remain the same for the upcoming year.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report by Steve Mason, seconded by Merle Katzman. All approved.

Suggestion that all new and current property owners receive a set of the Association by laws and sign off as having received same.

Sharon Bender and Laura Petchler have reviewed the history of our by laws. Need a new typed Word document to work with.
Motion made by Harvey Robbins, seconded by Merle Katzman, to give permission to hire someone to type a new set of the by laws, as the sets now are not easy to work with as are all formatted differently. All approved. The new document will be shared with the board, then requests for suggested revisions will be gathered and an attorney will review all and help formulate revisions to be voted on, to bring us up to date and modern.

Anchors, jetties, and boats: Steve Mason will put up the “no wake” buoys.
“No Wake” is a State of CT law as well as an Association rule.

Security: Will cost less money this year, as there are no Water’s Edge fireworks.
Fred Camarra starts Friday eve 6-10 pm, Sat 10-10, Sun 10-6. Fred is a past state trooper.
Are these the best hours for our beach community? Sometimes activity is just getting started at 10 pm when Fred is finishing. It was decided to change Fred’s Saturday hours to 11-11 and Sunday 11-6. Friday remains 6-10. Fred needs to be careful to monitor incoming non-residents.

Poop bag stations being reinstalled.

Golf carts – kids are driving them! Fred is to stop all kids and ask for licenses. If the person has a learner’s permit there must be an adult in the golf cart. If you see a person driving a golf cart who appears too young to be doing so, or going too fast, you can take a picture and send it to George.

Beach party scheduled for June 27, 2014 is overbooked – this is great news!

There are 5 new families at Stannard Beach

34 Stannard Drive (was Chozick): Mary and Peter Bransfield
24 Ripley Hill Rd (was the Perle cottage – Water’s Edge): Laurie and Jamie Henderson
12 Stannard Drive (was Case): Alyssa and Ken Rozich
     54 Ripley Hill Rd (was Harris): Maggie and Charlie Walden
     44 Ripley Hill Rd (was Dunn): Lori and David Wetsman

Motion to adjourn made by Mart Webber, seconded by Merle Katzman, all approved, at 10:20 am.

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