Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stannard Beach Assn Annual Mtg August 26, 2012

Stannard Beach Association,    Annual Meeting August 26, 2012 
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by George Dallas, Assn President.
Vy Kava and Marie Garabedian were responsible for hosting the breakfast – thank you to both of them.

Motion to accept the minutes of the July 1, 2012 general meeting were read. Motion to accept by Merle Katzman, seconded by Dennis Hersh.  All approved.

Treasurer: John Kava. A copy of the budget is attached. Currently $56,994.10 in checking and $39,979 in savings.  Attached report read by John Kava.  Motion to accept byMerle Katzman, seconded by Dennis Hersh. All approved.

2nd Avenue paving: can only patch this year, need to repave entire 2nd Ave. Looking at ways to do that, but the change in elevation from Water’s Edge to Beach Court is 14’, so we are looking at how to mediate that water. All of 2nd Ave needs to be addressed, not just patching the Water’s Edge end of the road.

Security: Fred the security guard was terrific; will give him a $100 bonus. If interested in after-season house checking, Fred can be hired privately.

DEEP: filed and closed notice of violation. The 1992 agreement has been removed (to move sand) since over the last 20 years it has been shown that sand moved does not stay. Littoral shift, Money Point and Salt Island all affect the beach. So the DEEP notice of violation is closed. If we had not responded to the notice it would have cost the Association $100/day fee.

Additional old business: Motion by Sydelle Baskind, 2nd by Linda Pinn, to send all minutes by email and post on blogspot. All approved.

Nominating Committee: Sandy Seidman announced the slate (time period September 2012 – August 2013)

President………………………..George Dallas
1st Vice President…………….John Abella
2nd Vice President……………Steve Powers
Treasurer………………………..John Kava
Secretary………………………..Sharon Bender

Three year directors……….David Caslin, Mark Miller, Paul Shlien
Two Year Directors…………Marty Weber, Michael Rottblatt, Lincoln Tedeschi
One Year Directors………….Linda Pinn, Mike Guinan, Al Berkon

Coming off the BOD are Jason Garner and Mark Madnick

Motion to approve by Dennis Hersh, 2nd by Jeff Morris, all approved. Barbara Mason asked that there be consideration for adding more women to the Board.
Risa Sodi asked that proposed slate stand when names read. Slate was reread with those in attendance standing when their names were announced.

New Business: Regatta/social was very successful. Thank you to Barbara Berkowitz, Carmella Dallas, Rhoda Elligator , Marie and Keith Garabedian, Mike Keily, the Masons, O’learys,, Petchlers, and Rottblatt families. Ari Feinstein made a donation to help cover costs of his family visiting/renting at the beach.

Homes for sale: Clarke and Marilyn Harris’s home on 54 Ripley Hill is for sale.

Peter Black requested that a committee be formed to look into options for mediating sand erosion, and sent out an email and snail mail resolution requesting a  change in the the allocation of the budget to go from $2000 to $20,000/year for beach maintenance. (letter and resolution attached).

Part of the agreement recently made with DEEP is that groin #2 will be removed if a plan is not agreed to by all parties at the creek end of the beach.
Safety concerns are boulders and sharp rocks 8’ down on the ocean side of the sea wall. If anyone falls off the wall, who is liable?  Is private property.
DEEP says if groin #2 is shortened or removed there is no guarantee it will help sand filling in and no guarantee that no more sand will shift away.  The original study (Kollmeyer), 1984 or 1986, had $25,000 appropriated for a study, and it is extensive. In 1988 a big study came out suggesting:
1.     rip rap bottom of sea wall
2.     put in a series of low profile groins/jetties to stabilize sand
3.   install a stone breakwater off shore. Cost at that time was approximately      $250,000. Defeated by a majority of votes.
All options defeated by the Stannard Beach Association at that time.

Dennis Hersh said we cannot change the budget now, must make a motion before the July meeting. The board must put together the budget for next year, so when it comes up at next July’s meeting, put the request in the budget for approval or not before the July 1st meeting.  George Dallas suggested coming to the Spring Board meetings to suggest proposals.  Harvey Robbins said that there must be a motion asking for a resolution for the Board to consider a $20,000 line item in the annual budget for beach maintenance and planning. Motion by Harvey Robbins, 2nd by Tim Bransfield.

What is the Association’s responsibility under the new resolution? Since the DEEP cannot find permission in their files to build groin #2, all residents at the creek end of the beach who are affected need to agree on a plan. They can shorten the groin up to 20’ (attach DEEP resolution notice). Can leave vertical pilings in place so can rebuild if taking it down does not improve conditions. Can also decide to bring in sand on their own, according to Peter Black.  Brian Thompson of the DEEP   confirms that the Association is responsible for the groin. The groin was built initially due to this same problem of sand shifting so it is not recommended to remove it.
George Dallas clarified that the Stannard Beach Association will oversee the groin changes, as we are the certificate holder, but we are not necessarily responsible for paying for the work, if any is done. (‘As the certificate holder, the Assn is responsible for the groin”, is in the DEEP resolution).
All neighbors at the creek end of the beach must agree on a plan and SBA hold the certificate.
Move sand? Sand flats were moved for years but laws were changed and it is no longer allowed.
Lou Florio from 13 Beach Court: focus on maintenance plan/resolution before the membership. Lou encouraged everyone to pass the proposal to put $20,000/year into the Stannard Beach Association annual budget, when it gets voted on next July 2013.

Safety and security concerns at creek end of beach: have been reported at various times.
The State of CT notified Beach court residents of its decision. The Stannard Beach Association is not liable for the seawall or the base of the wall in front of the seawall. There were further recommendations to increase the beach budget for maintenance/erosion mediation.

Jerry Skolnick asked why his association dues should be used to improve the beach when he has limited access to it?

Linda Pinn asked to vote on the motion based on the recommendations:  Resolution: modify the current budget item of $5000 by changing it to $20,000/year for beach maintenance and nourishment, and it will be on the BOD agenda to consider next Spring 2013.

Mike Thomann: need clarification on what is in the current budget - $2000 or $5000? Cannot find the $5000 budget line item for additional maintenance. Only shows $2000 clean up.
All of our jetties and groins need to be inspected and maintained every year. This is an important annual budget item/expense as permits to build new groins or jetties are very expensive and time consuming to obtain.  Costs over $2000 to submit the paperwork required to request permission for a new groin or jetty, so let’s preserve what we have.

Risa Sodi: Are we suggesting or directing the Board to include the money in the budget? 
Resolution: That the Stannard Beach Association directs the Board of Directors to consider changing the line item of the budget from $2000 to $20,000/year for beach maintenance and nourishment.
23 for, 25 against. Motion denied.  
Carmella Dallas suggested a resolution be proposed to the residents at Beach Court for rip rap that was rejected previously by those residents.

Linda Pinn invited everyone to the Chester synagogue on Friday, September 7, 2012, for the showing of an old mural from the Manchester synagogue that has been restored and hung at the Chester synagogue.

Motion to adjourn by Marty Weber, 2nd by Merle Katzman. All approved.

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