Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Minutes of July 5, 2009 General Meeting

Stannard Beach Association
Mintues of the General meeting 7/5/09
The meeting was called to order at 9:09AM by the President, George Dallas
A moment of Silence was observed in memory of Phyllis Nathans passing
Thanks were given to Vy Kava for all hard work in making the social portion of the meeting a lovely event.
The minutes from the previous General meeting were read by Marie Garabedian and accepted by Jeff Morris and seconded by John Petchler.
Steve Mason passed around the data base with the names addresses and phone numbers. He asked that everyone review and update the list.
George Dallas gave a report on all the work that has been done over the past year. Great progress was made with the drainage. He stated how a grown over drain was discovered at the top of the Association property, on the corner of Rte 1 and Cedar Lane. This drain handles water flow from Rte. 1 and catches it as it travels toward Cedar Lane. This Drain was cleared and a swale created to handle the water flow. Swales also created through the association lot into the salt marsh area. On Cedar Lane 2 drains were installed adjacent to the play ground, with 10,000 gallon holding and leaching tanks. This work has eliminated approximately 75% of the water problem. George also reported on the funding of stairs at the rights of way. Two sets of stairs have been funded, 1 at the Rottblatt-Madnick right of way and 1 at the former Robear-Powers right of way, every right of way now has a set of stairs. Jetty repairs are planned for jetty #1, the sand was moved on the DEP’s request. The rusted chicken wire on the ceiling of the pavilion was also removed and replaced with new chicken wire to keep the birds from nesting.
John Kava reported that the Association had collected $66,000.00, paid out $61,000.00 and set the new budget at $63,500.00. That will reflect a 4.6% increase in the association fees. There was some discussion on the budget regarding future jetty repairs being funded as well as questions on what was the ground maintenance line. Monies are budgeted for future jetty repairs and grounds for routine mowing and landscaping. George Dallas asked for a motion to approve the budget, George Palmer made the motion to approve the budget and it was seconded by Sharon Bender.
George Dallas Welcomed our new Stannard Beach Residents. They are as follows:
Mike & Debbie Grenan, 6 Stannard Dr., Mark & Susan Miller, 15 Stannard Dr., Jason & Karen Garner, on Beach court (in the new house on the former Robear property) and the Budnick’s on Boston Post Rd.
George Dallas made a plea to all to obey our traffic signs and speed limits, Les Nathan reiterate how people do not slow down on Second Ave. We need to research signage to post for Speed limits. Also brought up were the Speed bumps to slow the traffic; however that had mixed thoughts and responses of those on favor and those not in favor of speed bumps. There will be more discussion at the next meeting regarding the speed bumps.
Other new business discussed as a concern, was the use of golf carts by unlicensed drivers. It was stated that drivers of golf carts do not need to be licensed, but do need to be 16 years of age. Harvey Robbin said it was amended to include licensed drivers in our Bylaws.
Also discussed under new business was parking. George Dallas reminded everyone that the no parking areas on Second Ave and Cedar Lane should also include that there is no parking on any streets where it would impede the traffic especially should an emergency vehicle would need to pass. Please tell our security if and when you see a car parking in a means that blocks the flow of traffic or does not allow access should emergency vehicles is needed.
A change in the Bylaws was presented by Carmela Dallas, Carmela read from the present bylaws requiring notification to our members, she requested that we add the word e-mail to that bylaws, should someone not have e-mail please let the secretary know to continue to mail their notices. This will save a lot of time as well as money as postage is now $.44. Sharon Bender had a question to define “Special Meetings” and that was clarified as to an item needing immediate attention. A motion by Carmela Dallas was made to rewrite the bylaws by only adding the word e-mail; it was seconded by Jeff Morris. The motion passed.
Security Guards have been rehired. There was no guard seen on Saturday 7/4/09, or thus far Sunday 7/5/09. The schedule will be as follows: Wednesday evenings 6:00pm – 10:00pm, Friday evenings 6:00pm – 10:00pm, Saturday 10:00AM – 8PM and on Sunday’s 8:00AM – 6PM. The Security Guards should be very visible in the neighborhood at these times; any concerns please call the President, George Dallas.
Repair of Jetty #1, hopefully fixing Jetty # 1 will aid in the sand erosion concern
There will be an Art Exhibit at the Old Lyme Library featuring the works of our neighbor Lee Skolnik, Please attend to help support the library and her great cause. (Thursday 7/16/09 from 5PM to 7PM) Flyers will be posted around the neighborhood.
Steve Mason will be hosting “the Mason Regatta” Sunday 8/2/09 at 11AM, all are welcome.
Dave Chozick wanted to Thank George Dallas for the fine job he has been doing, especially spear heading all the water and drainage issues. He also thanked the entire board for their hard work and especially to John Kava for handling the treasurer’s position.
Elin Katz noted that the successful movie night will be back this year, she and Robin Katz are working on the dates and there should be 2 to 3 movie nights.
Carmela Dallas and Keith Garabedian reminded people about their responsibility of cleaning up after their dogs.
Steve Mason and Harvey Robbin stated that the Speed Buoys have been place out in the water.
Ms. Sidele also mentioned that the sound levels need to be brought down a bit in the evenings as the sound travels easily via the water and could be an annoyance to some.
The meeting was adorned at 9:45AM

Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Marie Gallo-Garabedian (Garabedian@comcast.net)

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