Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Minutes of April 10, 2010 Board Meeting


The Board Meeting was called to order at 9:09 AM by President George Dallas

George Dallas opened with remarks regarding the terrible condition of Cedar Lane. He stated he spoke to the Town official, John Riggio about patching pot holes on Cedar Lane. Mr. Riggio stated the Cedar Lane is far beyond being able to be patched. The condition had worsened over the winter. The main concern is the liability to the Association should something happen to someone.
George moved forward with getting 3 bids from somewhat local and reputable companies, they are B & L in Old Saybrook, Sullivan from Westbrook and Quarry Paving from Branford. The quotes range from approximately $35,000 to $45,000. The scope of work was quoted all alike and included, Rip up of old road, grind up old pavement to reuse as a base, level it to grade level, tamp it down and top with 2 types of Asphalt. Part 2 of the project would include level and pave the parking lot. This will help in directing water into the Salt Marsh from the new swales that were added to aid in our water problem.

After much discussion and questions on the maintenance of the new road, the directing of the water into the swales and the materials and process being used. It was suggested by Steve Mason to call an emergency General meeting of the Stannard Beach Association. Jeff Mason stated he appreciates George Dallas’ effort but does not appreciate his “scare tactics” and was questioning what would be done to slow traffic. Jeff Morris also suggested gates to be included in the proposal to slow traffic. Jason Garner guessed the gates would only add approximately $1,500 to $2,000. That idea was well received.

Sandy Seidman made a motion to call the emergency General meeting as soon as possible for the board to approve spending, to the lowest bidder, including gates & or fences not to exceed $42,000. The motion was accepted and seconded by Dennis Hersh and Janson Garner.
The Emergency General Meeting was scheduled for 5/2/10.

There was then further discussion regarding the best way to direct the rain water to alleviate future water problems.

Old Business:
Jeff Morris questioned last year’s nominating committee and their selection of new members who have not spent a summer here and that a past president should be on the nomination committee.

New Business:
Hoberman tenant has cause some difficulties and has been asked to leave
Empty lot on 2nd Ave across from Madnick, Rottblatt and Kiley is being built upon. Steve Mason questioned whether or not they will be abiding by our “Hammer Law”
Second Ave has been patched by the Gas Co. If it is the final patch, George will question them if it is done properly or not.

There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 AM
Respectfully submitted
Marie Gallo-Garabedian

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