The meeting was called to order at 10:07 AM by President George Dallas
George Dallas started the meeting about the conditions of Cedar Lane. The town can no longer patch the pot holes as they have become too numerous. George has gotten bid from $34,000 to $40,000 to repair the road.
The scope of work is to scrape up old pavement, mill it with a machine, grade it for maximize the flow of water into the drains and swales. The new drains are designed to hold approximately 45,000 gallons of water. Re-grade the parking lot.
The board decided we should pursue the lowest bid which was $34,000. The board also passed a motion to look into speed deterrents. Not speed bumps, as they will not be allowed by the Town of Westbrook, but the possibility of speed gates. These gates are attractive and effective way to slow traffic. The Board approved an additional $10,000.00 for these enhancements. The bylaws call for a quorum vote by at least 20 members so the next order of business it to vote on the expenders to pave Cedar Lane, and to grade the parking lot, but not to exceed $42,000.00. A suggestion was made to add a path (so to speak) to direct water into the new swales.
Steve Mason put a motion on the floor for discussion. The scope of work was clarified. To bring in rock will also bring the cost up to the high $50,000 area. So it was decided to bring in a milling machine to grind up the existing pavement, lay it back down and pack it down. Class 2 & 3 asphalt will go on top of graded, milled and processed fill. The fencing will not be a permanent fence. All work will have a one year guarantee on workmanship. Mr. Burwick questioned the height of Cedar Lane on completion. The road will be properly pitched for optimum drainage.
Carmela Dallas questioned how we could deter theft of the gates and whether there would be any insurance matters to look into by adding the gates and the time frame of the job. It was thought that neither of the 1st 2 questions should be problems and George said he would call the contractor as he is actually waiting to hear from us.
Linda Pinn suggested we amend the motion to include that the contractor will direct the flow of water into the existing drains. Steve mason agreed. There was further discussion to lighting situation with the speed deterrent gates, that emergency vehicles would still be able to pass and it was clarified that there would not be a problem with passage.
The motion was amended to include adjusting the flow of water at the top of Cedar Lane at the Post Road to divert towards the swales and not to exceed a total job cost of $ 42,000. Sharon Bender questioned with the approval of $42,000 being spent should there be any funds left over if they could go for ongoing jetty repairs. Motion was changed to grading will be adjusted to allow flow of water into the swales. There was no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30AM
Respectfully submitted
Marie Gallo-Garabedian
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
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