Sunday, August 28, 2016

Stannard Beach Association, Annual Meeting, August 28, 2016 DRAFT

Stannard Beach Association, Annual Meeting, August 28, 2016  DRAFT

Assn President, George Dallas, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a m.

A moment of silence was held in memory of Julian Eligator.

The minutes of the General meeting from July 3, 2016 were read and a motion to accept made by Barbara Berkowitz, 2nd by Jackie Zwallinger. All voted to accept the minutes as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: Laura Petchler presented the Treasurer’s report. Report is attached. This is the time to pay Association dues. Bills are going out now and fees/fines are assessed on accounts not paid, after September 1st.
There is $147,729.71 in checking
                  $6,126.74     in savings

Motion to approve by Sandy Seidman, 2nd by Merle Katzman. All voted to approve.

Old Business:  Playground repairs. New decking and nails to be installed this fall.

Water’s Edge: November 12 Remember Bill Hahn day. All are welcome.

T-shirts: Look at website for t-shirts, ½ zip ups, sweatshirts, etc. 

Stuart and Heidi Katz are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Katz. Congratulations!

Reminders: No coolers are allowed on the beach
All rentals must be for a minimum of one month – no weekly rentals please!

Security Guard: Fred Camarra is retiring after the weekend of September 10th to a cabin in Maine with his wife. Fred thanked the Assn for a wonderful job and the Assn thanked Fred for a job well done.

Construction: The Morris family is rebuilding, Jeff and Robin Katz are bringing in gas, and the Palmers are bringing in gas.

Council of Beaches: Steve Mason reported that the Town of Westbrook does not have to put in sewers. DEEP is cooperating and allowing folks to upgrade and put in new septic systems.

Please donate nonperishable food items to the Shoreline Soup Kitchen to help the less fortunate.

Nominating Committee: Steve Mason, chair, reported that the Nominating Committee consisted of Steve Mason, Harvey Robin, and Richard Glassman, board members, and Myra Fishman, and Richard Rottblatt, non board members. Steve presented the proposed slate of officers for 2016-2017:  
President – John Abella
1st VP – Mike Grennan
2nd VP – Steve Powers
Secretary – Sharon Bender
Treasurer – Laura Petchler
3 Year – Paul Schlien, Lincoln Tedeschi, Allison Adams
2 Year – Peter Black, E J Greenspan, John Wolf
1 Year – Rich Glassman, Maureen Keegan, Jerry Skolnick

Motion to accept proposed slate as presented by Edward Pinn, 2nd by Peter Black, all voted to accept.

John Abella recognized all of the past presidents he has worked with since moving to Stannard Beach 20 years ago; Sandy Seidman, Steve Mason, Dennis Hersh, Lou Brown and George Dallas.

George Dallas was recognized for serving 4, two-year terms! George was awarded a plaque and a gift certificate to Fish Restaurant in Stamford, CT. A Stannard Beach shirt is on order as well.
George thanked everyone, saying, “You’re all family”.

John Abella spoke about the Board’s priority to protect the quiet enjoyment and preservation of peace, safety and serenity.  The Board of Director’s actions should seek to protect everyone’s investment here.
John has previously been chair of the Rules Committee, and 95% of the time issues can be cleared up by talking to your neighbor.

Motion to adjourn by George Dallas, 2nd by Sandy Seidman, all voted to adjourn.