Sunday, August 29, 2010
General mtg notes Aug 29.2010
Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President George Dallas
Minutes were read by the secretary Marie Garabedian, a motion from Dennis Hersh to accept the minutes was seconded by Marty Webber
Treasurers Report:
Treasurer John Kava reported that 71% of taxes due were collected. The remaining 29% are due by 09/01/2010. If the tax bills remain unpaid a bill will go out on 09/30/2010 with interest added. The budget set for this upcoming year is basically a break even budget. Dennis Hersh made a motion to accept the budget and it was seconded by Jeff Morris.
Old Business:
Cedar Lane paving is completed from Route 1 to Second Ave. The parking lot was graded and a compressed material added. The Speed gates have been put into place. Barbara Mason commented how nice they look and how well they are slowing the traffic on Cedar Lane, and the majority agreed.
George Palmer reported that the Tennis Courts are all done and the latches and doors were also taken care of at no additional cost. The Lock combination for the Tennis courts is 4212, if anyone needs to use them. It was brought up again that the Playground area is in need of a trash can.
With regards to the Security guard, most agreed that Brian did a great job for us this year. Barbara Mason shared her and others concerned for our guard being armed. She feels it gives the perception that this is a dangerous area or that a weapon is needed to settle disputes. Some also expressed a fear of accidents that are possible with the weapon and some questioned who or what we are guarding against? When Brian was off one weekend, his replacement had worn a bright cover over his shirt and it appeared to be better message being sent, one of Security officer is more visible and less threatening. Barbara took the time to ask professionals their opinion regarding this topic. She called upon Sane Geary, CT Operations Manager of Integrated Security Systems. He felt it was a low risk area and there is no need for an armed guard, he stated there were not written reports this year or any other year that he could remember. Then Barbara called Vinnie Durso, the manager of the security company that we contract. He feels it is good to have the guard being armed and there were a few incident regarding parking and beach rights. Barbara also called the Westbrook Police who referred her to our resident State Trooper, Officer Robert Hart. Trooper Hart has been our Resident State trooper for 13 years, and he feels we are a very low risk area so there should be no need for an armed guard. He also said most of our crime has been in the form of off season burglaries. He said the State Police have the job of protecting us and typically it is only 2 -3 minutes response for a call. Barbara Mason then made a motion to no longer have our hired security carry a weapon in the future. Lynne Nathan seconded her motion. The discussion started with a question from Merle Katzman if anyone would oppose and armed guard with an unloaded weapon? The question arose whether or not the gun carried a live clip or not. Dennis Hersh stated that he has had two breaks ins, one in season and one out of season and is missing a Kayak as well. He also feels that Brian carries a presence of authority and since Brian has been here there have been no issues. It was also brought up about the concern of the liability issue. The Guard Company is bonded and they carry a $5,000,000.00 Insurance policy to protect against an event of the discharge from security personnel’s fire arm. Dave Chozik stated that it is understandable that not everyone is comfortable with the fire arm; there is still a sense of respect that comes for seeing a guard wearing the gun. Seeing a fire arm as part of his uniform adds to his respect. There were further questions regarding a security officer’s judgment and who is he really policing? Brian, our current guard is licensed by the State of Connecticut to do his job as protector of the residents of Stannard Beach, for which we hired him to do. There was a motion on the floor to clarify whether future guards should be armed or not. The vote was taken and there were 16 in favor of unarmed guards and 31 in favor of armed guards.
Nominating committee:
Sandy Sidman first extended Thanks to Marie Garabedian for filling in as secretary, and to George Dallas for a great 2 year term, so much was accomplished by George during his term.
The Slate of officers was presented as follows:
George Dallas President
John Abella 1st Vice President
Steve Powers 2nd Vice President
3 year members, Linda Pinn, Mike Guinan, Al Berkon
2 years members, Jason Garner, Mark Grennan and Mark Miller
1 year members, Mark Madnick, Marty Webber, and Steve Powers
George Plamer made a motion to accept the slate as presented it was seconded by Merle Katzman, The majority voted in favor of accepting the slate as proposed.
At the previous Board of Director meeting it was discussed about the wording in our Bylaws to protect us against a Developer or Real Estate investor to come in and purchase a property for the use of a rooming house. Dennis Hersh read the proposed by law change and it went as follows: No residence may be occupied by more than two unrelated people with the following exception: A resident owner may have two unrelated guests providing they reside ar said residence for less than seven days and during said period the owner must also reside at said residence continually during their stay. Any violations of this regulation will result in a fine of $250.00 per day. George Dallas went on to say what we are trying to avoid is “Hampton Style living” Where vacationers come and go either on a frequent or less frequent basis, but there are numerous unrelated resident in one property. There was a motion brought to the floor to veto this Bylaw change as written. A vote was taken, there were 4 votes in favor a veto of this Bylaw change all other votes were in favor of the Bylaw change. The Bylaw change was passed.
Other Business was addresses regarding passage on the rights of way. George Dallas made the following statement regarding our rights to passages: “What you can do and where you can go are all in our deeds” Then he proceeded to read the following eloquent message from an e-mail sent to him by Mike Grennan:
We have all chosen to spend our summers here, enjoying the pleasures of the sea and sand. While everyone has acquired properties affording certain legal rights, I think we have also have made the decision to be a neighbor in a community.
Yes, there have been disagreements in the past, and there will be in the future. We cannot prevent all discord. However, as a community, we do have the power to control how we handle disputes when they occur. Historically, litigation has too often been the response. It hasn’t stopped the discord – perhaps it has created more. We have passed rules to control behavior . . . . but these rules haven’t always worked. The reality is that we each need to honestly critique our own attitudes and behaviors. We need to ask ourselves if we are respecting our neighbor’s rights, or if (perhaps) we are too eager to defend our own “legal” rights. Are we extending the proper courtesies that show respect for others? In short, we need to evaluate if we are being a good neighbor and whether we are adding or subtracting from that neighbor’s enjoyment of this wonderful area.
Not all people know how to be a good neighbor . . . or maybe they don’t even have the desire. This is an unfortunate reality. Even so, we have to believe that the overwhelming majority will choose otherwise. This is where the joy of our community resides - if each of us is strong enough to move in this direction.
There was further discussion on what our deeds state and the bottom line on the point George was making quite simply, ask your neighbor, talk to your neighbor and be a good neighbor! We are all here for the same reason, our Love for Our Beach. Ron Lyman wanted a clarification on rights of way and personal property on these rights of way. There was also a point brought up about chairs and their placement. It was decided that the chair questions will be brought up next year.
In closing of the Meeting, The community presented Brian, our Security guard, with a gift certificate as a token of our sincere Thanks for a job well done. Dennis Hersh made a motion to adjourn the meeting it was seconded by Sandy Sidman.
The Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 AM
Thursday, August 5, 2010
June 27, 2010 General Meeting
The Meeting was called to order by President George Dallas at 9:15AM
Treasurers Report:
John Kava reported that we should end the year with a positive $25,000 balance. The budget for this year’s so far is on target. The new proposed budget is basically a break even budget. There was some discussion on a few items on the budget and they were, Beach maintenance Grounds beautification and playground, resurfacing the Tennis courts, Roads and drainage and Social activities. A motion was made by Sandy Seidman to accept the budget as proposed, seconded by Dennis Hersh, voted upon and approved.
Old Business:
George Dallas stated that the paving of Cedar Lane is moving forward and on schedule. The scope of work is milling old roadway, processing the old material for a base, fill and grade the parking area. Water is to be directed to the newly installed 45,000 gallon capacity drains. A path to the Pavilion will also be included in the paving process. George further discussed again the process of grading and packing the recycled old milled road and that there are to be 2 layers of 2 types of blacktop applied. He further explained that the lowest bids all included having our old pavement recycled for a base and typically is the way most roads are paved now. Jeff Morris had a question regarding the Warranty and George Dallas stated the job is guaranteed for 90 days on workmanship and one year on materials.
New Business:
We welcome two new families, Herb & Marsha Dunn on Ripley Hill and Bob & June O’Leary, 138 Second Ave.
Steven Mason is passing around the directory, if anyone has to make changes please contact Steve or Barbara. Many Thanks to the Mason’s for taking on the task of updating our directory annually.
Tennis Courts are on budget, George Palmer is arranging to have them resurfaced.
Monies have been allocated for ongoing Jetty repairs.
Security is returning with the following schedule: Friday 6-10pm, Saturday 10-10, and Sunday 10-6. Very good news for our beach our Guard from two years ago, Brian will be our primary guard on duty.
Reminder on Golf Cart, the State of CT is requiring that these vehicles be registered with the State of CT and only driven by licensed drivers.
George Palmer is making arrangement to have the beach cleaned up. If you have logs you’d like remove please get in touch with George Palmer. There was $2,000 allocated in the budget for this.
Sydelle Baskind requested that the minutes of the meeting be e-mailed to all the residents as well as posted on the blog spot. She asks that people keep their voices down on the beach in the evening as the noise travels and she hears numerous conversations. She also said she would like to have more sand in front of her home. George Dallas said the ongoing Jetty repairs will help with that but moving the sand is an expensive approach that is not a guaranteed fix.
Barbara Mason asked if was really necessary that the guard be armed, and made a motion to discuss whether or not our Guards should be armed. After some brief discussion on the statement of authority the gun presented and who felt it was good and who did not think it is good for him to carry a gun, Dennis Hersh asked that we table this discussion so people can think about it and discuss it further. He felt the reason he has a gun is to have an appearance of authority. Which Dennis said is a excellent way to approach squatters and people illegally parking on our Association property. Sandy Seidman mention that years ago the Association used to hire off Duty police officers and it was much more costly. Susan Miller questioned if anyone knew, what is the Security company protocol with their guard’s use of their fire arms? Some suggestions were that possibly other instruments that are less violent like tazers and such may be used. The Motion was modified to look into these questions for next year. Michael Rottblatt suggested maybe have the Police and Security company meet with us to discuss the Pro & cons of carrying a fire arm. The Motion was tabled and will Take Michael’s suggestion to have representation at our meeting next year so our residents can discuss their concerns.
New Business:
The minutes from the last meeting were read by the Secretary, Dennis Hersh motioned to approve the minutes as read Seconded by Sandy Seidman.
We paused for a moment of Silence for the passing of Grace Barnett along time former resident of 6 Stannard Dr.
Other Business:
July 5, 2010 is Water’s Edge fireworks display. Our security along with Water’s Edge Security as well as the police will oversee anyone coming into to our Association and the parking situation.
There was no further Business and the meeting was adjourned at 10:00AM by President George Dallas
Respectfully submitted
Marie Gallo-Garabedian
The Meeting was called to order by President George Dallas at 9:15AM
Treasurers Report:
John Kava reported that we should end the year with a positive $25,000 balance. The budget for this year’s so far is on target. The new proposed budget is basically a break even budget. There was some discussion on a few items on the budget and they were, Beach maintenance Grounds beautification and playground, resurfacing the Tennis courts, Roads and drainage and Social activities. A motion was made by Sandy Seidman to accept the budget as proposed, seconded by Dennis Hersh, voted upon and approved.
Old Business:
George Dallas stated that the paving of Cedar Lane is moving forward and on schedule. The scope of work is milling old roadway, processing the old material for a base, fill and grade the parking area. Water is to be directed to the newly installed 45,000 gallon capacity drains. A path to the Pavilion will also be included in the paving process. George further discussed again the process of grading and packing the recycled old milled road and that there are to be 2 layers of 2 types of blacktop applied. He further explained that the lowest bids all included having our old pavement recycled for a base and typically is the way most roads are paved now. Jeff Morris had a question regarding the Warranty and George Dallas stated the job is guaranteed for 90 days on workmanship and one year on materials.
New Business:
We welcome two new families, Herb & Marsha Dunn on Ripley Hill and Bob & June O’Leary, 138 Second Ave.
Steven Mason is passing around the directory, if anyone has to make changes please contact Steve or Barbara. Many Thanks to the Mason’s for taking on the task of updating our directory annually.
Tennis Courts are on budget, George Palmer is arranging to have them resurfaced.
Monies have been allocated for ongoing Jetty repairs.
Security is returning with the following schedule: Friday 6-10pm, Saturday 10-10, and Sunday 10-6. Very good news for our beach our Guard from two years ago, Brian will be our primary guard on duty.
Reminder on Golf Cart, the State of CT is requiring that these vehicles be registered with the State of CT and only driven by licensed drivers.
George Palmer is making arrangement to have the beach cleaned up. If you have logs you’d like remove please get in touch with George Palmer. There was $2,000 allocated in the budget for this.
Sydelle Baskind requested that the minutes of the meeting be e-mailed to all the residents as well as posted on the blog spot. She asks that people keep their voices down on the beach in the evening as the noise travels and she hears numerous conversations. She also said she would like to have more sand in front of her home. George Dallas said the ongoing Jetty repairs will help with that but moving the sand is an expensive approach that is not a guaranteed fix.
Barbara Mason asked if was really necessary that the guard be armed, and made a motion to discuss whether or not our Guards should be armed. After some brief discussion on the statement of authority the gun presented and who felt it was good and who did not think it is good for him to carry a gun, Dennis Hersh asked that we table this discussion so people can think about it and discuss it further. He felt the reason he has a gun is to have an appearance of authority. Which Dennis said is a excellent way to approach squatters and people illegally parking on our Association property. Sandy Seidman mention that years ago the Association used to hire off Duty police officers and it was much more costly. Susan Miller questioned if anyone knew, what is the Security company protocol with their guard’s use of their fire arms? Some suggestions were that possibly other instruments that are less violent like tazers and such may be used. The Motion was modified to look into these questions for next year. Michael Rottblatt suggested maybe have the Police and Security company meet with us to discuss the Pro & cons of carrying a fire arm. The Motion was tabled and will Take Michael’s suggestion to have representation at our meeting next year so our residents can discuss their concerns.
New Business:
The minutes from the last meeting were read by the Secretary, Dennis Hersh motioned to approve the minutes as read Seconded by Sandy Seidman.
We paused for a moment of Silence for the passing of Grace Barnett along time former resident of 6 Stannard Dr.
Other Business:
July 5, 2010 is Water’s Edge fireworks display. Our security along with Water’s Edge Security as well as the police will oversee anyone coming into to our Association and the parking situation.
There was no further Business and the meeting was adjourned at 10:00AM by President George Dallas
Respectfully submitted
Marie Gallo-Garabedian
June 20, 2010 Board Meeting
The Meeting was called to order by President George Dallas at 10:06AM
The Purpose of this Board meeting was to cover points for next week’s General meeting. The points to cover:
1. Paving, It will start Thursday 06/24/10 and should wrap up 06/28/10
2. Hoberman Property, no rent is being paid. Mark has asked the tenants to leave, and Mark was told to do what he needs to do to get them out. Dennis Hersh said he could find an attorney to help with this situation for a retaining fee.
3. Tennis Courts, George Palmer’s Proposal, it has been 11 years since anything has been done to the courts. He received a quote for $7,175.00 for resurfacing by the original installers of the courts. George will ask the board for the authority to spend the extra $2,000. 00 to do the court properly, so it will increase the budgeted amount from $5,000 to $7,000.
4. Whether we allocate $5,000.00 each year to push sand. Steve Powers said he thought it was necessary and George Dallas feels properly maintain the Jetties will do just fine with sand retention.
5. Nominating committee, Sandy Seidman will chair this committee and work up a slate of new officers
6. Security will start with these scheduled days:
Friday 10-6PM
Saturday 10AM – 10PM
Sunday 10AM – 6PM
7. Beach Cleanup, George Palmer will get this moving
Treasurers Report:
John Kava is proposing a break even budget with not many changes from last year. Motion was made to accept it by Steve Mason and seconded by Merle Katzman.
George Palmer questioned again the tennis court funds increasing for $5,000 to $7,000 and made a motion to approve this spending, Merle Katzman moved to approve the spending, seconded by Jackie Zwelling
The Meeting was called to order by President George Dallas at 10:06AM
The Purpose of this Board meeting was to cover points for next week’s General meeting. The points to cover:
1. Paving, It will start Thursday 06/24/10 and should wrap up 06/28/10
2. Hoberman Property, no rent is being paid. Mark has asked the tenants to leave, and Mark was told to do what he needs to do to get them out. Dennis Hersh said he could find an attorney to help with this situation for a retaining fee.
3. Tennis Courts, George Palmer’s Proposal, it has been 11 years since anything has been done to the courts. He received a quote for $7,175.00 for resurfacing by the original installers of the courts. George will ask the board for the authority to spend the extra $2,000. 00 to do the court properly, so it will increase the budgeted amount from $5,000 to $7,000.
4. Whether we allocate $5,000.00 each year to push sand. Steve Powers said he thought it was necessary and George Dallas feels properly maintain the Jetties will do just fine with sand retention.
5. Nominating committee, Sandy Seidman will chair this committee and work up a slate of new officers
6. Security will start with these scheduled days:
Friday 10-6PM
Saturday 10AM – 10PM
Sunday 10AM – 6PM
7. Beach Cleanup, George Palmer will get this moving
Treasurers Report:
John Kava is proposing a break even budget with not many changes from last year. Motion was made to accept it by Steve Mason and seconded by Merle Katzman.
George Palmer questioned again the tennis court funds increasing for $5,000 to $7,000 and made a motion to approve this spending, Merle Katzman moved to approve the spending, seconded by Jackie Zwelling
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
May 2, 2010 Emergency General Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 10:07 AM by President George Dallas
George Dallas started the meeting about the conditions of Cedar Lane. The town can no longer patch the pot holes as they have become too numerous. George has gotten bid from $34,000 to $40,000 to repair the road.
The scope of work is to scrape up old pavement, mill it with a machine, grade it for maximize the flow of water into the drains and swales. The new drains are designed to hold approximately 45,000 gallons of water. Re-grade the parking lot.
The board decided we should pursue the lowest bid which was $34,000. The board also passed a motion to look into speed deterrents. Not speed bumps, as they will not be allowed by the Town of Westbrook, but the possibility of speed gates. These gates are attractive and effective way to slow traffic. The Board approved an additional $10,000.00 for these enhancements. The bylaws call for a quorum vote by at least 20 members so the next order of business it to vote on the expenders to pave Cedar Lane, and to grade the parking lot, but not to exceed $42,000.00. A suggestion was made to add a path (so to speak) to direct water into the new swales.
Steve Mason put a motion on the floor for discussion. The scope of work was clarified. To bring in rock will also bring the cost up to the high $50,000 area. So it was decided to bring in a milling machine to grind up the existing pavement, lay it back down and pack it down. Class 2 & 3 asphalt will go on top of graded, milled and processed fill. The fencing will not be a permanent fence. All work will have a one year guarantee on workmanship. Mr. Burwick questioned the height of Cedar Lane on completion. The road will be properly pitched for optimum drainage.
Carmela Dallas questioned how we could deter theft of the gates and whether there would be any insurance matters to look into by adding the gates and the time frame of the job. It was thought that neither of the 1st 2 questions should be problems and George said he would call the contractor as he is actually waiting to hear from us.
Linda Pinn suggested we amend the motion to include that the contractor will direct the flow of water into the existing drains. Steve mason agreed. There was further discussion to lighting situation with the speed deterrent gates, that emergency vehicles would still be able to pass and it was clarified that there would not be a problem with passage.
The motion was amended to include adjusting the flow of water at the top of Cedar Lane at the Post Road to divert towards the swales and not to exceed a total job cost of $ 42,000. Sharon Bender questioned with the approval of $42,000 being spent should there be any funds left over if they could go for ongoing jetty repairs. Motion was changed to grading will be adjusted to allow flow of water into the swales. There was no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30AM
Respectfully submitted
Marie Gallo-Garabedian
The meeting was called to order at 10:07 AM by President George Dallas
George Dallas started the meeting about the conditions of Cedar Lane. The town can no longer patch the pot holes as they have become too numerous. George has gotten bid from $34,000 to $40,000 to repair the road.
The scope of work is to scrape up old pavement, mill it with a machine, grade it for maximize the flow of water into the drains and swales. The new drains are designed to hold approximately 45,000 gallons of water. Re-grade the parking lot.
The board decided we should pursue the lowest bid which was $34,000. The board also passed a motion to look into speed deterrents. Not speed bumps, as they will not be allowed by the Town of Westbrook, but the possibility of speed gates. These gates are attractive and effective way to slow traffic. The Board approved an additional $10,000.00 for these enhancements. The bylaws call for a quorum vote by at least 20 members so the next order of business it to vote on the expenders to pave Cedar Lane, and to grade the parking lot, but not to exceed $42,000.00. A suggestion was made to add a path (so to speak) to direct water into the new swales.
Steve Mason put a motion on the floor for discussion. The scope of work was clarified. To bring in rock will also bring the cost up to the high $50,000 area. So it was decided to bring in a milling machine to grind up the existing pavement, lay it back down and pack it down. Class 2 & 3 asphalt will go on top of graded, milled and processed fill. The fencing will not be a permanent fence. All work will have a one year guarantee on workmanship. Mr. Burwick questioned the height of Cedar Lane on completion. The road will be properly pitched for optimum drainage.
Carmela Dallas questioned how we could deter theft of the gates and whether there would be any insurance matters to look into by adding the gates and the time frame of the job. It was thought that neither of the 1st 2 questions should be problems and George said he would call the contractor as he is actually waiting to hear from us.
Linda Pinn suggested we amend the motion to include that the contractor will direct the flow of water into the existing drains. Steve mason agreed. There was further discussion to lighting situation with the speed deterrent gates, that emergency vehicles would still be able to pass and it was clarified that there would not be a problem with passage.
The motion was amended to include adjusting the flow of water at the top of Cedar Lane at the Post Road to divert towards the swales and not to exceed a total job cost of $ 42,000. Sharon Bender questioned with the approval of $42,000 being spent should there be any funds left over if they could go for ongoing jetty repairs. Motion was changed to grading will be adjusted to allow flow of water into the swales. There was no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30AM
Respectfully submitted
Marie Gallo-Garabedian
Minutes of April 10, 2010 Board Meeting
The Board Meeting was called to order at 9:09 AM by President George Dallas
George Dallas opened with remarks regarding the terrible condition of Cedar Lane. He stated he spoke to the Town official, John Riggio about patching pot holes on Cedar Lane. Mr. Riggio stated the Cedar Lane is far beyond being able to be patched. The condition had worsened over the winter. The main concern is the liability to the Association should something happen to someone.
George moved forward with getting 3 bids from somewhat local and reputable companies, they are B & L in Old Saybrook, Sullivan from Westbrook and Quarry Paving from Branford. The quotes range from approximately $35,000 to $45,000. The scope of work was quoted all alike and included, Rip up of old road, grind up old pavement to reuse as a base, level it to grade level, tamp it down and top with 2 types of Asphalt. Part 2 of the project would include level and pave the parking lot. This will help in directing water into the Salt Marsh from the new swales that were added to aid in our water problem.
After much discussion and questions on the maintenance of the new road, the directing of the water into the swales and the materials and process being used. It was suggested by Steve Mason to call an emergency General meeting of the Stannard Beach Association. Jeff Mason stated he appreciates George Dallas’ effort but does not appreciate his “scare tactics” and was questioning what would be done to slow traffic. Jeff Morris also suggested gates to be included in the proposal to slow traffic. Jason Garner guessed the gates would only add approximately $1,500 to $2,000. That idea was well received.
Sandy Seidman made a motion to call the emergency General meeting as soon as possible for the board to approve spending, to the lowest bidder, including gates & or fences not to exceed $42,000. The motion was accepted and seconded by Dennis Hersh and Janson Garner.
The Emergency General Meeting was scheduled for 5/2/10.
There was then further discussion regarding the best way to direct the rain water to alleviate future water problems.
Old Business:
Jeff Morris questioned last year’s nominating committee and their selection of new members who have not spent a summer here and that a past president should be on the nomination committee.
New Business:
Hoberman tenant has cause some difficulties and has been asked to leave
Empty lot on 2nd Ave across from Madnick, Rottblatt and Kiley is being built upon. Steve Mason questioned whether or not they will be abiding by our “Hammer Law”
Second Ave has been patched by the Gas Co. If it is the final patch, George will question them if it is done properly or not.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 AM
Respectfully submitted
Marie Gallo-Garabedian
The Board Meeting was called to order at 9:09 AM by President George Dallas
George Dallas opened with remarks regarding the terrible condition of Cedar Lane. He stated he spoke to the Town official, John Riggio about patching pot holes on Cedar Lane. Mr. Riggio stated the Cedar Lane is far beyond being able to be patched. The condition had worsened over the winter. The main concern is the liability to the Association should something happen to someone.
George moved forward with getting 3 bids from somewhat local and reputable companies, they are B & L in Old Saybrook, Sullivan from Westbrook and Quarry Paving from Branford. The quotes range from approximately $35,000 to $45,000. The scope of work was quoted all alike and included, Rip up of old road, grind up old pavement to reuse as a base, level it to grade level, tamp it down and top with 2 types of Asphalt. Part 2 of the project would include level and pave the parking lot. This will help in directing water into the Salt Marsh from the new swales that were added to aid in our water problem.
After much discussion and questions on the maintenance of the new road, the directing of the water into the swales and the materials and process being used. It was suggested by Steve Mason to call an emergency General meeting of the Stannard Beach Association. Jeff Mason stated he appreciates George Dallas’ effort but does not appreciate his “scare tactics” and was questioning what would be done to slow traffic. Jeff Morris also suggested gates to be included in the proposal to slow traffic. Jason Garner guessed the gates would only add approximately $1,500 to $2,000. That idea was well received.
Sandy Seidman made a motion to call the emergency General meeting as soon as possible for the board to approve spending, to the lowest bidder, including gates & or fences not to exceed $42,000. The motion was accepted and seconded by Dennis Hersh and Janson Garner.
The Emergency General Meeting was scheduled for 5/2/10.
There was then further discussion regarding the best way to direct the rain water to alleviate future water problems.
Old Business:
Jeff Morris questioned last year’s nominating committee and their selection of new members who have not spent a summer here and that a past president should be on the nomination committee.
New Business:
Hoberman tenant has cause some difficulties and has been asked to leave
Empty lot on 2nd Ave across from Madnick, Rottblatt and Kiley is being built upon. Steve Mason questioned whether or not they will be abiding by our “Hammer Law”
Second Ave has been patched by the Gas Co. If it is the final patch, George will question them if it is done properly or not.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 AM
Respectfully submitted
Marie Gallo-Garabedian
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