Saturday, June 20, 2015

Stannard Beach Association BOD Meeting June 20, 2015

Stannard Beach Association BOD Meeting   June 20, 2015

The meeting, in the repaired Connell Pavilion, was called to order by George Dallas at 9:10 am.

Minutes from the Board meeting dated May 24, 2015 were read. Edit was proposed to made to remove the names of persons in arrears on Assn dues. Just say there is an outstanding balance due. Motion to accept the minutes with edits was made by Merle Katzman, 2nd by George Palmer. All agreed, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report: Laura Petchler reported finding a completed, paid up mortgage note for the pavilion, parking lot and tennis courts in the safe deposit box!

Our bank balance is $99507.93 plus a CD for $6099,60.  Several unexpected repairs were performed: Cedar Ln swail on north side of parking lot was cleaned out and is running freely now, the pavilion was repaired – rotten wood replaced and chicken wire replaced with plastic type, and groin #1 was repaired. All totaled approx. $8000.

The proposed budget for 2015-2016 was presented and reviewed. A motion was made by John Abella, 2nd by Harvey Robbins, that the Board recommend no increase in assessments this year, even though the Town of Westbrook mil rate has gone up.  All in favor, motion passed.

Mark Apter would like to commemorate what would have been his parents’ 100th birthday by purchasing 2 benches for the public areas by tennis court and playground. The assn. will pay to have these professionally installed on cement pads. 

Rules Committee: John Abella reported that an Assn member who had been renting their cottage short term, in violation of the by laws, was sent a certified letter, acknowledged it and spoke with the rules committee to clarify that rentals must be 30 days/one month or longer.  The Assn member understands the rules and said they would not rent for less than a month any longer.

The Pizza Party is set for Friday, June 26, 2015.

Directory: Steve Mason is updating the directory.

By-laws: Sharon Bender, Laura Petchler and George Dallas have received a small number of suggestions for edits to the by laws. Please send your suggestions in now.

Security: Fred starts next Friday, June 26, 2015.
He has a stand in for 3 weekends and is training him now.

Water’s Edge spotlight update: Tina Datillo was unaware of a problem with the spotlight shining down our beach and will look into it.

Lyman right of way:  Costs include             $16,200 labor
                                                                          3,300 engineering oversite
                                                                           3000  legal fees      
                                                                         -8,000  from Lou Brown                                                                                                                        $14,000  funds needed                      

A motion was made to include all associated fees in this project and take the full amount to the Association . Motion by Jerry Skolnick , 2nd by Connie Tosto.
8 in favor, 3 against, motion passed.

Jerry Skolnick noted that releases proposed to date list Ron Lyman as the owner when in fact the home is in a trust; need documents reviewed and corrected.

Motion to adjourn made by Merle Katzman, 2nd by Mark Miller, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.

Submitted by Sharon Bender, secretary

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