Sunday, June 30, 2013

Stannard Beach Assn General meeting notes June 30, 2013

Stannard Beach Association General Meeting, Sunday June 30, 2013  Draft Notes

The meeting was called to order by George Dallas at 9:05 a.m. with a moment of silence in memory of those who have passed away including Norma Glassman, Yuddy Shapiro, Si Bernstein and Natalie Bernstein.
Rose Madnick is recovering from surgery.

The minutes of the August 26, 2012 minutes were read, edits made by Peter Black, then all present voted to approve.

Peter Black requested more details in the special projects section of the budget. Those dollars have not been expended yet. Connie Tosto suggested setting up a capital reserve for the $20,000 in that account, and taking out a percent of the incoming money every year for major projects, so it is a reserve.
Connie Tosto made a motion, Jerry Skolnick 2nd, to take a percent of incoming dues and create a reserve account for capital improvements. Create a line item “capital reserve”. All approved.
Can we apply a percent of the budget or a percent of the surplus or retained earnings to this account? Can call the excess amount of the budget a capital reserve, or add to the mil rate to set up a capital reserve.
George Dallas explained that for the past several years the mil rate has been set to generate money for projects.
Codify the process by creating a capital reserve account so it is established as an actual separate account/line item.

All present voted to approve the 2013-2014 budget.

Thank you to Vy Kava and Marie Garabedian for setting up the breakfast.

Tennis court repairs are complete.

Beach court issues are settled. A letter was received from Eileen Nichols and Connie Tosto stating they have a plan for Groin #2 as required by DEEP.

Welcome to Kim and Glen Golden who purchased the Bobrow house at 125 2nd Ave.

The Kollmeyer study is being updated – the update has been initialized regarding erosion issues.

Association picnic on the beach – may ask the board for a one time permission for food on the beach.  More info to follow.

Right of way to east of Richard Rosenblatt is being washed out. Waiting to hear from the Datillo family as they need to do repairs before us so we have something to attach to.

The rights of way are for all Association members’ use. We need a list of rights-of-ways. The membership would like a map to go out showing where the right-of-ways are. Connie Tosto noted that the right of way across from her is private.  Rights of ways permit “passage and re-passage” to/from the beach through these areas.

At Water’s Edge the old North Cove Outfitters is becoming Ocean Breeze frozen yogurt café.

Security: Fred Camarra has extended hours. Friday 6-12, Saturday noon – midnight and Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.  $8000 is spent on security. The prior budget was $12,000 but the board decided to remove the June hours and shift the current hours to a later start and later finish.

Water’s Edge fireworks will be Tuesday July 2. Please give Fred Camarra the names of your guests as we monitor the entranceways/parking at Stannard Beach for safety so that emergency vehicles can get through. Lots of extra cars can block the roads so we are careful to monitor incoming vehicles, asking guests to be sure to park legally and safely.

Beach cleanup: the process has slowed this year as the Fishmans just put in new sod in the area where debris is usually removed, so we need to wait until it is established.  Debris has been cut up, some has washed away and the remainder will be removed by a contractor. Beach at the end of Maple Lane has lots of logs.

Darcy Caslin requested an update on the Brown-Lyman right-of-way.  Michael Guinan, Marty Webber and John Abella are working on mediating the problem, which is close to resolution.

Speed limit in the Association is 15mph. Please slow down. All drivers must have a driver’s license to operate any moving vehicle. Folks in cars and especially golf carts are not stopping at stop signs. Please cooperate for the safety of everyone.

Paul Shlein noted that delivery and work vehicles are driving over yards, rock walls and flowerbeds. Please get the license plate number and report it directly to the Westbrook police.

Parking: There is no parking on the pavement area of 2nd Avenue as emergency, fire and ambulance vehicles must be able to get through. If they need to come through they will plow right through your vehicle if it is in the way.

Dave Caslin asked how we get through the streets with all the contractor vehicles parked all over the roads. Should a bond be posted for construction?
Dave Caslin made a motion that if you are doing a project at your home you need to take out s $10,000 bond to repair the roads, yards, walkways, hedges and lawns from damage done by work vehicles. Anything that requires a building permit  would need a bond. The homeowner pays for the bond. 
Mike Guinan suggested $100/day fine over a certain number of warnings. Elin Katz asked how we can enforce our Association rules? The Lymans posted a $10,000 bond with the Association. After the work was completed, after a period of time, they got their money back.
The Rules Committee needs to deal with these issues. Steve Powers suggested we need to look at our rules and consider updating them to be modern, giving authority where it is needed and addressing enforcement.
Motion amended by Dave Caslin to form a committee to study the bond idea. Darcy Caslin 2nd, approved.

Carmela Dallas requested a dog park. The Board will consider it.

Peter Black asked that the minutes be posted within 30 days of the meetings. If can’t post to blog then email or snail mail them.

No dogs are allowed on the beach. Pointina Beach allows their dogs to run on our beach, which is against town ordinance and state law.

New business: extend the beach all the way by studying erosion mediation.

Motion to adjourn by Marty Webber, 2nd by Jeff Morris. Adjourned at 10:05 a.m.

Submitted by S Bender, secretary. 

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