Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Minutes of August 26, 2008 meeting

Minutes of the Stannard Beach Association General Meeting 08/26/2008

President Brown called a General Meeting at the Joan Connell Community Center. The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:04am.
Thanks go to Vy Kava and Dave Chozick for masterminding the breakfast. Please take leftover food home.
Minutes from the last General Meeting were read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report (John Kava)
Town is changing flood zone maps.
Town meeting on 8/27/08 – Town wants input from residents on how to proceed.
Mr. Kava reviewed the budget, expenditures, and the current accounts of the beach.
Checking/Savings:Liberty Bank $68,997.87Liberty CD $ 5,391.60 ========
Total $74,389.47
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.
President’s Report:
It is established policy that beach clean-up is done once a year at the beginning of the season. After that time, beach front owners must pay for their own clean-up.
April – playscape was to be repaired. Contractors never completed work. Please let next President know that the work needs to be finished.
Recommend to incoming President that Sharon Bender be included on Board meetings because of work on beach erosion.
Security guard has done tremendous job.
Maintenance of tennis courts (George Palmer) – we will be doing minor repairs.
Update on Directory.
Proposed Building Commission: Ralph Smalley would like to avoid ill will about changes completed to homes over the winter. Discussion of proposed building commission. Motion to amend fines for proposed Commission to $250/day.
Motion to establish Building Commission passes.
President Brown thanked various Board members for their help: George Dallas, Steve and Barbara Mason, Elin Katz, John and Vy Kava, and Sharon Bender.
Nominating Committee proposed the following nominees for new Board:
President: George Dallas1st VP: John Abella2nd VP: Irving BernsteinSecretary: Elin KatzTreasurer: John Kava
3 Year Members:
Marc Madnick, Marty Webber, Steve Powers
2 Year Members:
Richard Rosenblatt, Jerry Skolnick, Jackie Zwillinger
1Year Members:
Joyce Bisberg, Michael Guinan, Diane Smalley
Past Presidents:
Lou Brown, Lou Case, Dennis Hersh, Merle Katzman, Steve Mason, Jeff Morris, George Palmer, Harvey Robbin, Sandy Seidman
Rules: John Abella, Ralph Smalley, Marty Webber
Sharon Bender is proposed to receive notices of Board meetings.
Nominating Committee’s proposed nominees were accepted.
New Business:
George Dallas, new President, awarded lou Brown for his service.
President Dallas thanked Katz, Webber, and Madnick families for Movie Night.
Discussed proposal to separate roads and drainage work, since poor condition of roads keeps drivers slow.
Concern was raised about dog at end of beach killing rabbits.
Motion to amend bylaws regarding residents allowing hunting by domestic animals. Motion to table issue passes, to be addressed by the Board.
No access to West End right-of-way because there are no stairs. Board previously approved set of removable stairs. Marc Madnick agreed to remove at end of season.
Myra Fishman proposed Stannard Beach cookbook. Let her know if you are interested.
Mary Rosenblatt proposed a Mystery Readers lending library. Interested persons should contact her.
Notice that school bus will be coming through this fall.
Proposal that we get a microphone for the meetings.
Discussion of what will happen at 08/27/08 Town Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15am.
Respectfully submitted,
Elin KatzSecretary

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