Friday, July 11, 2008

Minutes of 6/29/08 General Meeting

Minutes of the Stannard Beach Association General Meeting

President Brown called a General Meeting at the Joan Connell Community Center. The meeting was called order at approximately 9:04 am.

The minutes of the 8/26/07 General Meeting and 6/14/08 Board meeting were read and accepted.

President’s Report:

New members Jeff and Mary Jean Takahashi of 6 Stannard Drive were introduced.

There is currently no chair for the beach picnic. Anyone who is willing to chair should contact President Lou Brown.

Rules Committee will be Ralph Smalley, John Abella, and Marty Webber.

Proposed noise ordinance concerning amplified sound and light was raised. Discussion.

Motion passed to amend bylaws to include that the following be added to “declared acts of nuisance” (n) A homeowner’s use of bright light and amplified sounds may not affect the peace and tranquility of neighboring property owners.

Berkon email concerning parking on Stannard Drive was raised – parking on that street is only for residents and their guests.

Motion passed: Parking on Stannard Drive is only for residents of Stannard Drive. Guests must park in the lot or the residents’ driveway.

Dumping of grass clipping on ball field and other common areas – this is a problem and a violation of the Rules. President Brown asked anyone doing this to stop immediately.

Problem with the jetty bolt on the West End jetty will be fixed.

Jim Kiely has requested use of the Community Center from 12-5 pm on July 4.

Old Business:

Building Commission: Stannard Beach was incorporated in 1947. Authorization includes authority for the building commission.

Motion to establish building commission.


Amendment: Set up committee of Ralph Smalley, Sandy Seidman, and Vivian Kava to looking establishing a building commission.

Motion passed.

Work on Caslin property: Pres. Brown received notice that it will be completed in the next couple days.

Treasurer’s report (John Kava):

Checking account: $46,343
Reserve: $ 5,391

Total: $51,734

Bills for dues will be mailed in July. Mill rate is going up slightly.

Opening safety deposit box and PO Box for treasurer. There will also be a new email for the treasurer.

Budget was accepted.

Discussion as to whether we should establish a larger reserve designated to deal with upcoming major projects. Consensus is that we should not do so at this time.

Roads (George Dallas):

George proposes redoing Cedar Lane in the fall and reconditioning drain in front of Rothblatt house. Estimated to cost about $35,000.

Still trying to get town to contribute to costs.

Motion to allocate not to exceed $40,000 for road maintenance on Cedar Lane and drain on Cedar Lane, and for professional engineering services.


Motion passed 25-2.

Beach Erosion (Sharon Bender):

Reviewed history re erosion and engineering. Have contracted with Gary Sharpe and jetty on Beach Court. Study may recommend removal of groins. Discussion.

New business:

Discussion of parking on Stannard Drive.

Gravel will be put in parking lot in next few days – will need assistance spreading.

Unlawfully parked vehicles in parking lot. All individuals are requested to move them.

Les Nathan is looking into lightening rods. Anyone interested should contact him. Cost is around $2,000. He also has an old high tide chart. Suggests we look into something like this again.

Meeting adjourned at 10:25 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Elin Katz

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