Minutes of the Stannard Beach Association General Meeting
President Brown called a General Meeting at the Joan Connell Community Center. The meeting was called order at approximately 9:03 am on 8/26/07.
The minutes of the 7/1/07 General Meeting and 8/12/07 Board meeting were read. The following additions and corrections were made:
Re erosion of beaches: An issue exists as to how DEP should look at the beach. We would like them to look at the entire beach on Beach Court.
There is also an issue of improvements to the rights-of-way that is being considered.
The minutes as corrected were adopted.
President’s Report:
Barbara Mason has a list of email addresses. Looking for additions and corrections.
Secretary Elin Katz will send minutes to those who request them. Otherwise, minutes from all meeting are available on the website: http://www.stannardbeach.blogspot.com/.
Treasurer’s report:
Checking account: $30,263
Reserve: $ 5,292
Total: $35,555
President Brown thanked Debbie Katz for hosting a magnificent beach picnic. He asked that she chair it again. The Beach Association spent about $2500 on the picnic, which was well worth it. A plaque was dedicated to the memory of Anita Katz.
Guards have done a good job. Suggestion that we give bonus to main guard. Dennis Hersh will take care of this. Motion for $100 bonus. Motion passed.
President Brown thanked Steve Mason, George Palmer, and Barbara Mason for their help this year.
President Brown reported on 2 major issues that we are dealing with:
Beach erosion: Sharon Bender is working with DEP. Other phone calls are counterproductive. DEP came down, agreed that our beach is a buffer against effluent into the sound. Sharon thanked Irv Bernstein for his help. One possible solution to erosion problem is sand. Centerbrook Gravel estimated we need 600 yards of sand at $60/yard -- $36,000 without labor. At the moment, additional sand is the simplest solution. Also looking at groins.
Report from George Dallas on drainage and roadways:
Issue 1: Cedar Lane: water off Route 1 runs down road. Goes into drain by Petchler property. Looking into refurbishing drain.
Issue 2: Route 1 water flows into Stannard Court. Looking into possible second drain on Stannard Court.
Issue 3: Drain by Rothblatt house: elbow is broken. Also need permission to address drain into salt marsh.
New First Selectman Noel Bishop has been receptive to helping us. George is authorized to officially approach him on our behalf.
Report on t-shirt sales from Myra Fishman: She sells shirts for the Beach Association and has for six years. She does not make money on the t-shirts. She objects that other people (i.e., Debbie Katz) were selling t-shirts without permission from the Beach Association. Discussion of t-shirts.
Proposal to sell only t-shirts through Myra Fishman at picnic. Discussion.
Motion that nothing other than t-shirts with profit going to the Beach Association be sold at picnic.
Amendment: Only vendors approved by Beach Association with profits going to the Association may sell Stannard Beach merchandise.
Motion approved.
Diane Smalley and Myra Fishman agreed to chair picnic if Debbie Katz declines.
Protection of Common Areas (as opposed to rights-of way):
Common Areas (“CA”) can be taken by adverse possession. Lyman CA was addressed via agreement.
Re complaints about Fishman and Webber CAs, as of the last board meeting, neither party had signed agreement. Marty Webber has since agreed to sign agreement acknowledging that he will not claim rights of adverse possession in the CA.
Fishman agreement still has not been signed. This issue will go back to the Board for further action.
Board has proposed that everyone on a CA sign similar agreement. Our attorney has stated that it would entail a tremendous legal expense to get everyone on a CA to sign such an agreement. Issue will go back to the Board for further consideration.
Question was raised as to who repairs unauthorized improvements to the CA, such as sod?
Discussion of issues and how to prevent rights of adverse possession. Harvey Fishman agreed to sign same agreement as Marty Webber.
President Brown asked anyone with an issue on a CA to bring it to his attention.
Report of Nominating Committee:
President: Lou Brown
1st Vice-President: George Dallas
2nd Vice-President: John Abella
Treasurer: John Kava
Secretary: Elin Katz
3 year members: Jerry Skolnick, Richard Rosenblatt, Jackie Zwillinger
2 year members: Mike Guinan, Joyce Bisberg, Diane Smalley
1 year members: Myra Fishman, Irv Bernstein, Marty Webber
Motion to accept nominations passed.
Old Business
Previously tabled motion by Ralph Smalley re Building Committee
We exist as a borough; we can tax, pass laws.
Motion by Ralph Smalley for Building Committee (see blog for details).
Motion discussed.
Motion to table again – passed.
Dennis Hersh – presentation to John Reed in appreciation for service as treasurer.
President Brown thanked George Palmer, Elin Katz, and John Reed for their help.
Ralph Smalley objected to lack of consideration given to his motion.
New business:
Barbara Mason – complaint about noise/light from adjoining property. No ordinances on sound or light. Motion to amend bylaws to include that the following be added to “declared acts of nuisance” (n) A homeowner’s use of bright light and amplified sounds may not affect the peace and tranquility of neighboring property owners.
Discussion ensued. Motion passed. Will have to be raised again at next General Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:32.
Additions to minutes:
The Rules Committee will be chaired by Lorraine Cafero, and with members John Abella and Ralph Smalley.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
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