Sunday, September 8, 2013

Stannard Beach Assn Board of Directors mtg September 8, 2013

Stannard Beach Assn Board of Directors meeting September 8, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m.
Motion to go into executive session made by Marty Webber, 2nd by Sandy Seidman, all voted in favor.

Treasurer’s Report by John Kava: $89,000 in checking, $12,000 in receivables.
Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by George Palmer, 2nd by Paul Shlein, all voted in favor.

At the Annual Meeting dated August 25, 2013, permission was received by vote to expend up to $15,000 to continue the investigation of erosion control measures, possibly taking action a step at a time and seeing if each thing we try works. If it works then we consider taking additional steps.  Concern was raised about the effectiveness of a partial program that does not fulfill the recommendation of the experts. The greater issue is the need for a committee to make a plan to move forward as a community.  We need a bill of rights so everyone understands each other’s rights.  

Start with a bill of rights and how to get to the beach.

There are several rights of way/easements with different legal privileges/rights/restraints on each:
1.     Sandy Seidman
2.     Side walk that was 1st Avenue – is a right of passage
3.     Webber – folks on Ripley Hill cannot use
4.     Lyman-Brown  Sidewalk to wall owned by Bill Wrang
5.     Katz/Cedar Lane
6.     Rottblatt/Madnick
7.     Powers – owned by Schwartz
8.     Tosto –private right of way
9.     Rosenblatt – far side of property by Water’s Edge. Ownership is unclear
10.  2nd Ave from the bottom of Ripley Hill Rd going West is privately owned by Water’s Edge

Bill of rights committee to include Sandy Seidman as Chair, Susan Miller, John Abella, Merle Katzman, and Mike Grennan, initially. Start with a clear map of all the rights of ways and which you should use. There are 101 parcels in the beach association. Different deeds are worded differently regarding access to the beach.  i.e. the Cedar Lane right of way states it is for everyone but it is not listed on each person’s deed.
The Assn has put ordinances in place regarding use of the beach and rights of way. But the BOD cannot tell private owners what the limits on private rights are. Cannot legislate private owners’ rights. Also it is awkward to have to ask permission to use a beach every time you wish to go there. Conflict arises when all Assn members are asked to write a check and pay into beach nourishment projects, but what do they get for it regarding use of the beach?  It was suggested, by way of example, that in Florida public money is spent on public land, and private money is used on private owners’ properties. So can use Assn money to build a breakwater on public land/water off shore, not on private waterfront owner’s beach space. There is sentiment that folks should not have to ask permission to sit on the beach.
If Assn members all pay into beach nourishment investments, then maybe the deeds should be changed to make the entire beach for everyone.  All the deeds are different – Beach Court deeds say they own to the wall, J Kiely says his deed states he owns seaward from the wall 16’. Any beach that is created from Steve Powers’ property to end of Beach Court will be public land.

A By-laws committee is needed to assemble a clear set of existing by-laws and identify all the changes that have been voted on over time.  The list of amendments/edits/changes will be presented to the board and then incorporated in to the full document. This will be presented to the board for further action. Then the by laws need to be made contemporary, and, when all of the updates/changes are complete, each Assn member given a copy with a sign off that they have received them.

How will our Assn enforce our rules and rights?  We need to modernize the by laws so they work in the modern world with enforceable policies.

Currently there is a Rules committee, as stated in the by laws. If any Assn member brings a complaint to the Rules committee then the Rules committee looks at it, but there is no real vehicle for enforcement.
By laws committee to include: Sharon Bender as Chair, Laura Petchler and Sandy Seidman, initially.

Ground rules for committees: committees are not creating rules or changes to deeds/rights, only gathering information and sharing it with the BOD.

Lyman/Brown right of way: Trying to get Spazzarini and Sykes to agree as to where to put in a drain and regrade to remove any low point. The Assn needs to pay for it, as we want to fix the problem and avoid further more expensive legal involvement.  Will cost about $8000: $4700 for the drain and regrading, additional dollars for lifting out shrubbery, moving and resodding as needed.
Lyman’s basement is wet so since the Assn graded the right of way and paid for the regrading, we have to fix it.  Assn is adding a drain.  The berm on the waterside of 2nd Ave has been taken off the table. There will not be a berm on the Lyman/Brown right of way sending water down 2nd Ave., per Mike Guinan who is on the committee working on resolving this issue.
If Sykes agrees to the plan we want a release from any further action, to go into effect after 3 storms, if there is no water in Lyman’s basement. We can go to court eventually, but now we need to spend this $8000 to show we tried to fix this problem.  
We need a release, in advance, before spending any money. We have no proof the water in the Lyman’s basement is due to Assn action or from any other reason or action. We live at the beach and water is a constant issue for all waterfront owners.  But since we hired and paid contractors to change the right of way, we are liable for now.  The plan did not work (maybe the water would have been there regardless, due to water table levels at the beach) and the contractors have been paid and Lou Brown was given a signed agreement.

George Dallas has hired an attorney to be ready to defend the Assn, should we need it.

Water to the area comes from a variety of sources onto the properties including:
1. Water comes down Ripley Hill Rd and turns left
2. The water on the 1st Ave sidewalk runs east.
3. Rainfall
4. Lyman’s most recent construction includes a very large unguttered roof. It was constructed in separate portions so did not require a floodwater plan by the town

Motion to approve up to $8500 to have work done including installing a drain, regrading, moving shrubbery and resodding as needed. Must include a release after 3 rainstorms of an average amount of water, once the work is done, if there is no water in the basement. Motion made by Sandy Seidman and 2nd by Steve Mason.  The motion is contingent upon obtaining the release.

Costs include $4700 to install a drain and regrade, and the remainder of the money needed is for lifting out shrubs, moving them, and resodding as needed, as reported by Mike Guinan, who has been working to resolve this issue. Allocation increased by $500.
Vote is 14 for, 0 against, 3 abstained. Motion passed.

Lou brown stated that he videotaped the last storm and it shows no water in the right of way. Water pools on the east end of the Lyman driveway. Mike Guinan has a video that shows other directions of water flow.  
Lou Brown has had his fencing ripped out just past where his surveillance cameras can see.

Most Board members were sad to be spending Assn dollars of $8500, but given the situation agreed to put it to a vote and end the issue. An additional amendment was proposed by John Kava that this would be the last tie the Assn would be paying Assn money on this issue.

Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by S Bender, Secretary