Sunday, August 25, 2013

Stannard Beach Assn General Mtg August 25, 2013

The General Meeting was called to order at 8:59 AM by President George Dallas.
George introduced the invited guests, who were First Selectman of the Town of Westbrook, Noel Bishop, Dr. Frank Bohlen from UCONN (add more about Dr. Bohlen’s credentials and work) and Terrence Beatty of Prudential Realty who will report on Post Irene and Sandy shoreline Real estate sales. George briefly described that Dr. Bohlen was hired to review the Kollmeyer Report. The Kollmeyer Report, which the Association had done in 1988, was prepared to examine and study the issue of potential Beach erosion and solutions. Dr. Bohlen was introduced by George.
Dr. Bohlen started his presentation showing photos of our shoreline, from 1934, 1965, in which he made note that there was not much change. However in the photos dated between 2003 and 2012 there is obvious erosion. Dr. Bohlen went on to explain how the Sediment supplies and transport energies cause such erosion. It happens from wind, waves, tides and tidal currents.  We looked at a wave summary and it shows that Sea Levels are on the rise at a rate of 2MM per year.  Dr. Bohlen said most of the changes we are seeing today have been since 1988.
Dr. Bohlen went on to say to put a price on recommendations in the Kollmeyer Report would be impossible without consulting contractors. But he did offer some educated guesses on what he thought it may cost to place Rock in a parallel structure to the shoreline. He felt it would be at a cost of somewhere around $1 million to 1.25 Million. Dr. Bohlen said he does not believe DEEP would favor stabilizing a shoreline in that manner. So what are our alternatives? Dr. Bohlen suggests new groins and modification of our existing groins on the eastern end of the Beach. He suggests extending both Groin #1 and Groin # 3 as stated in the Kollmeyer Report as well as adding a “T” to Groin #3 and an “L” to Groin # 1. He feels this would be additional wave protection and feels this recommendation would be permitted through DEEP.  Another solution he offered was Re-Sanding. This can be the least expensive alternative, but to do it properly with examining grain sizes and such. There should also be serious considerations to Rip Rap and modifications to the Sea Walls.  Dr. Bohlen also said maintenance is the most important factor in any solutions.
Dr. Bohlen’s recommendations are as follows:
·       Implement an action shoreline management plan.
·       Obtain a detailed topographic survey of the Shoreline and off shore for the entire length of the Association Property.
·       Institute a regular program of nourishment in combination with structure maintenance.
·       Stabilize existing Sea Walls
Dr. Bohlen then answered some questions from Association members and more discussion continued regarding the groins and their lengths, shapes and positions. He stated if modifications are done to the groins they will be then about 4 feet tall. Then with time getting short and Noel Bishop’s need to leave around 10:00AM we took a break in the questions for Dr. Bohlen and Noel Bishop the First Selectman of Westbrook was introduced.
Noel Bishop started off by reminding us that we are a private Association with our own By laws and that the Town can do very little  to assist us. The groins and such are part of our association and the Town cannot commit to resources to help us with them. He also went on to say he is working with Congressman Joe Courtney’s office on a FEMA grant. He said the Town is still a few months out in obtaining that grant. He is unsure of the amount of the grant. Linda Pinn asked Mr. Bishop what effect the Grant would have on us. Any help with nourishment?  He said no Groin, Sea Wall or nourishment would be covered by this Grant. Mr. Black asked if the Town can do anything to relieve the high water storm surges from the Marsh. Mr. Bishop said a lot of the high Marsh water comes as a run off from Route 1 and there is little that can be done to lessen that. Mr. Bishop then went on to say that he has received a few calls regarding the safety and the state of disrepair The Gallery building across from Cedar Lane.  He said that property is in Probate and he spoke to the Town Attorney about 2 weeks prior and that the Town is in the process of getting it torn down. With that Mr. Bishop had to leave and we thanked him for taking time out of his Sunday morning to come to our meeting. With that we went back to questions for Dr. Bohlen.
Dr. Bohlen was asked if the Groins and their additions would make any water back up into the Marsh. Dr. Bohlen’s aid, “There are no back shore drainage problems from groins”. Then Dr. Bohlen was asked if the West end of the beach would have any detrimental effects after groin modification on the East end? He said no it will reduce the Eastern energy and have no effect to the West end. Mike Guinan said Sue Baily said we must prove there will be no detrimental effect to the West end toward Water’s Edge.  George Dallas stated that he had spoken to Sue Bailey regarding the existing COP. Sue Said that the current COP would allow for sand replenishment but must apply for another COP for the Groin work.
George Dallas made a proposal to spend an amount, not to exceed $15,000.00, to come from the major projects fund, to finalize the engineering analysis to submit to DEEP. This will allow us to apply for a COP to extend the Groins and to move forward in Extending Groin # 1 & # 3. A discussion began with Dr. Boland suggesting we get the permits out of the way and applied for. We do not have to use them immediately but we will have them for future use. Lincoln Tedeschi asked about the lengths of the T’s and their cost.  Dr. Bohlen said it is approximately $1,000.00 per linear foot, so roughly $64,000.00. He went on to say that the chances of nourishment will be successful if all the structures are done. And the chances of success being even greater with the addition of the “T” & “L” groins.
Jeff Morris made a motion to spend an amount, not to exceed $15,000.00, to come from the major projects fund, to finalize the engineering analysis to submit to DEEP. This will allow us to apply for a COP to extend the Groins and to move forward in Extending Groin # 1 & # 3. The motion was seconded by Peter Black. Elin Katz called for a vote on the motions and there were 10 who voted Nay and the majority voted Yea.
George Dallas made a suggestion that he’d like see a committee formed, comprised of our neighbors, to sit & figure out how to share resources and to help reestablish our community.

Sandy Seidman read Proposed the Slate of officers, which is as follows:
·       President, George Dallas
·       1st Vice President, John Abella
·       2nd Vice President, Steve Powers
·       Treasurer, John Kava
·       Secretary, Sharon Bender
·       Three Year Directors, Michael Grennan, Laura Petchler, Michael Guinan
·       Two Year Directors, David Caslin, Mark Miller Paul Shlien
·       One Year Directors, Marty Weber, Michael Rottblatt, Lincoln Tedeschi
A motion was made to accept the Slate as presented, all were in favor. The Slate was accepted.

Terrance Beatty of Prudential Realty provided us with a 10 year sales report and analysis of property values. To see if our property values had changed post storms Irene & Sandy.  His reports are attached.
The Meeting was adjourned at 10:56 AM
Minutes taken and Respectfully submitted, Marie Gallo-Garabedian

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stannard Beach Assn Board Of Directors mtg August 11, 2013

Stannard Beach Association Board of Directors meeting, August 11, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by George Dallas.
 DEEP – the beach court issue was resolved as the Assn communicated with DEEP by the deadline of 8/2/2013. Lou Florio did not sign the agreement so the Nichols and Tosto families sent a signed letter saying ok. The Bohlen report was added to the info sent to DEEP.
Beach erosion - DEEP says they will not ask us to tear down Groin #2 but we need to plan for beach nourishment and a sand remediation plan by March 2014.
Sounds like DEEP would like us to dump sand now, but the Bohlen report says to put in the T-groins first to hold the sand in place and prevent it from washing away.
We have no approval from the membership to spend that money at his time.
There is currently a lot of discussion among Assn members regarding the erosion mediation proposal and Bohlen report, so there will be a general information session next Sunday, August 18 at 9 a.m. to explain more about the report and suggested plan of erosion control, and to answer questions.
According to figures from Keith Neilson, it will cost about $15,000 to:
1.     Finish the engineering survey from Bobby Katz to Water’s Edge and include out to the sand flats
2.     Make an analysis of the sand grain size recommended and where to put in groins
3.     Draw up plans
4.     Put together a presentation and proposal and submit to DEEP, requesting a certificate of permission (COP)

If we do groin #1 and #3 first the expenditure is less.
If the money for this comes out of capital reserves it requires a vote from the full membership.  May we vote by email? Yes, according to our by-laws.
Motions for the August 25 Annual meeting need to be clearly laid out so the intent is not muddled over the course of discussion. A clear motion to spend up to $15,000 to complete the work necessary to obtain a COP from DEEP is needed.
Motion by Steve Mason, 2nd by Jeff Morris, for the Annual meeting, to request authorization of $15,000 to complete the work necessary to try to obtain a COP from DEEP for beach remediation work.
We do not know a total cost for doing the work involved until DEEP approves a proposal. They may approve all of it or a portion of it. More information sharing and explanations are needed in order to proceed.
The DEEP has the Bohlen report and has said it looks like a good idea.
Joe Courtney and Noel Bishop are sending representatives to look at our beach on Friday, Aug 16 to tell us if there are any federal funds available to help us.  Any federal dollars awarded to us would not impact our private borough status as it costs FEMA less to provide remediation dollars than to pay out flood claims.
The new Bohlen report is an update of the 1988 Kollmeyer reports, incorporating what scientists have learned in the last 20 years, making the most updated suggestions at the best costs. FEMA, the Army Corp of Engineers and DEEP all recognize these folks are the experts in this area: R Kollmeyer, F Bohlen and Keith Neilson.
The financial aspect of the proposals are unknown as yet; is a staged process, and first we need to know what can be permitted. Then we will go and get cost estimates.
Informational meetings need to occur to answer all questions and hear what everyone has to say, to better understand the Bohlen report and address concerns.
Rosenblatt Right-of-way:  based on research by George Dallas at Westbrook Town Hall, Stannard Beach does not own the right-of-way. It may belong to Schy, it may belong to Rosenblatt, we do not know. Richard Rosenblatt says he has additional informational that we hope to see to further answer all these questions of ownership of the right-of-way.
Lyman-Brown right-of-way: the committee is working to bring it to closure. Concern was raised about adding curbing/milling/berms  at the Lyman-Brown right-of-way to keep water out of the right-of-way, sending it dwn 2nd Ave. onto other neighbors’ properties.  The concern was over ruled due to a vote at the prior board meeting to go ahead with the work.
Lou Brown has an agreement releasing him from further obligations, signed by George Dallas. It is not a release, is an agreement.
By Laws Update: Maureen Keegan has been asked to make a digital set of our by laws. Then we will move forward with updating them.
Motion to adjourn by Harvey Robbins, 2nd by Marty Webber. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
Submitted by S Bender, secretary.