Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stannard Beach Assn Annual Mtg August 26, 2012

Stannard Beach Association,    Annual Meeting August 26, 2012 
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by George Dallas, Assn President.
Vy Kava and Marie Garabedian were responsible for hosting the breakfast – thank you to both of them.

Motion to accept the minutes of the July 1, 2012 general meeting were read. Motion to accept by Merle Katzman, seconded by Dennis Hersh.  All approved.

Treasurer: John Kava. A copy of the budget is attached. Currently $56,994.10 in checking and $39,979 in savings.  Attached report read by John Kava.  Motion to accept byMerle Katzman, seconded by Dennis Hersh. All approved.

2nd Avenue paving: can only patch this year, need to repave entire 2nd Ave. Looking at ways to do that, but the change in elevation from Water’s Edge to Beach Court is 14’, so we are looking at how to mediate that water. All of 2nd Ave needs to be addressed, not just patching the Water’s Edge end of the road.

Security: Fred the security guard was terrific; will give him a $100 bonus. If interested in after-season house checking, Fred can be hired privately.

DEEP: filed and closed notice of violation. The 1992 agreement has been removed (to move sand) since over the last 20 years it has been shown that sand moved does not stay. Littoral shift, Money Point and Salt Island all affect the beach. So the DEEP notice of violation is closed. If we had not responded to the notice it would have cost the Association $100/day fee.

Additional old business: Motion by Sydelle Baskind, 2nd by Linda Pinn, to send all minutes by email and post on blogspot. All approved.

Nominating Committee: Sandy Seidman announced the slate (time period September 2012 – August 2013)

President………………………..George Dallas
1st Vice President…………….John Abella
2nd Vice President……………Steve Powers
Treasurer………………………..John Kava
Secretary………………………..Sharon Bender

Three year directors……….David Caslin, Mark Miller, Paul Shlien
Two Year Directors…………Marty Weber, Michael Rottblatt, Lincoln Tedeschi
One Year Directors………….Linda Pinn, Mike Guinan, Al Berkon

Coming off the BOD are Jason Garner and Mark Madnick

Motion to approve by Dennis Hersh, 2nd by Jeff Morris, all approved. Barbara Mason asked that there be consideration for adding more women to the Board.
Risa Sodi asked that proposed slate stand when names read. Slate was reread with those in attendance standing when their names were announced.

New Business: Regatta/social was very successful. Thank you to Barbara Berkowitz, Carmella Dallas, Rhoda Elligator , Marie and Keith Garabedian, Mike Keily, the Masons, O’learys,, Petchlers, and Rottblatt families. Ari Feinstein made a donation to help cover costs of his family visiting/renting at the beach.

Homes for sale: Clarke and Marilyn Harris’s home on 54 Ripley Hill is for sale.

Peter Black requested that a committee be formed to look into options for mediating sand erosion, and sent out an email and snail mail resolution requesting a  change in the the allocation of the budget to go from $2000 to $20,000/year for beach maintenance. (letter and resolution attached).

Part of the agreement recently made with DEEP is that groin #2 will be removed if a plan is not agreed to by all parties at the creek end of the beach.
Safety concerns are boulders and sharp rocks 8’ down on the ocean side of the sea wall. If anyone falls off the wall, who is liable?  Is private property.
DEEP says if groin #2 is shortened or removed there is no guarantee it will help sand filling in and no guarantee that no more sand will shift away.  The original study (Kollmeyer), 1984 or 1986, had $25,000 appropriated for a study, and it is extensive. In 1988 a big study came out suggesting:
1.     rip rap bottom of sea wall
2.     put in a series of low profile groins/jetties to stabilize sand
3.   install a stone breakwater off shore. Cost at that time was approximately      $250,000. Defeated by a majority of votes.
All options defeated by the Stannard Beach Association at that time.

Dennis Hersh said we cannot change the budget now, must make a motion before the July meeting. The board must put together the budget for next year, so when it comes up at next July’s meeting, put the request in the budget for approval or not before the July 1st meeting.  George Dallas suggested coming to the Spring Board meetings to suggest proposals.  Harvey Robbins said that there must be a motion asking for a resolution for the Board to consider a $20,000 line item in the annual budget for beach maintenance and planning. Motion by Harvey Robbins, 2nd by Tim Bransfield.

What is the Association’s responsibility under the new resolution? Since the DEEP cannot find permission in their files to build groin #2, all residents at the creek end of the beach who are affected need to agree on a plan. They can shorten the groin up to 20’ (attach DEEP resolution notice). Can leave vertical pilings in place so can rebuild if taking it down does not improve conditions. Can also decide to bring in sand on their own, according to Peter Black.  Brian Thompson of the DEEP   confirms that the Association is responsible for the groin. The groin was built initially due to this same problem of sand shifting so it is not recommended to remove it.
George Dallas clarified that the Stannard Beach Association will oversee the groin changes, as we are the certificate holder, but we are not necessarily responsible for paying for the work, if any is done. (‘As the certificate holder, the Assn is responsible for the groin”, is in the DEEP resolution).
All neighbors at the creek end of the beach must agree on a plan and SBA hold the certificate.
Move sand? Sand flats were moved for years but laws were changed and it is no longer allowed.
Lou Florio from 13 Beach Court: focus on maintenance plan/resolution before the membership. Lou encouraged everyone to pass the proposal to put $20,000/year into the Stannard Beach Association annual budget, when it gets voted on next July 2013.

Safety and security concerns at creek end of beach: have been reported at various times.
The State of CT notified Beach court residents of its decision. The Stannard Beach Association is not liable for the seawall or the base of the wall in front of the seawall. There were further recommendations to increase the beach budget for maintenance/erosion mediation.

Jerry Skolnick asked why his association dues should be used to improve the beach when he has limited access to it?

Linda Pinn asked to vote on the motion based on the recommendations:  Resolution: modify the current budget item of $5000 by changing it to $20,000/year for beach maintenance and nourishment, and it will be on the BOD agenda to consider next Spring 2013.

Mike Thomann: need clarification on what is in the current budget - $2000 or $5000? Cannot find the $5000 budget line item for additional maintenance. Only shows $2000 clean up.
All of our jetties and groins need to be inspected and maintained every year. This is an important annual budget item/expense as permits to build new groins or jetties are very expensive and time consuming to obtain.  Costs over $2000 to submit the paperwork required to request permission for a new groin or jetty, so let’s preserve what we have.

Risa Sodi: Are we suggesting or directing the Board to include the money in the budget? 
Resolution: That the Stannard Beach Association directs the Board of Directors to consider changing the line item of the budget from $2000 to $20,000/year for beach maintenance and nourishment.
23 for, 25 against. Motion denied.  
Carmella Dallas suggested a resolution be proposed to the residents at Beach Court for rip rap that was rejected previously by those residents.

Linda Pinn invited everyone to the Chester synagogue on Friday, September 7, 2012, for the showing of an old mural from the Manchester synagogue that has been restored and hung at the Chester synagogue.

Motion to adjourn by Marty Weber, 2nd by Merle Katzman. All approved.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Stannard Beach Assn BOD mtg August 18, 2012

Stannard Beach Association
Board of Directors meeting August 18, 2012

The meeting, held in the Connell Pavilion, was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by George Dallas, President.

Lou Brown stated that 2 weeks ago, on Aug 2, someone tore down the leaders/gutter directed to the right of way. A State trooper was called to investigate/report, and said there was no other damage, that it was definitely perpetrated by an adult male as the gutter was ripped off with notable force, was done to 2 vertical leaders.

What to do about drainage problem at Brown/Lyman right of way? Was it a problem previously? Can the Browns use gutters to alleviate the water issue?
The problem may need to be addressed from the center of the right of way. Who knows if all the water is coming from Lou Brown’s or the Lyman’s property? The Lymans installed infiltrators when they built.

Dave Caslin; There was no problem with water before Lou Brown’s construction – families had been playing ball and other games in that area with no water issues.

Options for removing water from Brown/Lyman right of way include:

1.     dig up right of way and re-grade,
2.     install dry well
3.     send water out through sea wall.
4.     some/all of the above

George Dallas raised the option of installing a dry well since there is decreased ability for water to percolate so would need to dig it all out and install proper drainage materials. But was there water sitting there before the Brown’s construction? Harvey Robbin said there was sheet flow if the right of way was graded correctly. Now there is a non draining depression that needs to be filled in so it flows away. However, beach erosion might occur from channeling water via a pipe out onto the beach, so we need to fix the right of way topography to dissipate the water. Marty Weber agreed that an engineered solution is needed, and that it must be at Lou Brown’s expense.

John Abella stated that he had a folder of the building plan for the Lyman home showing that none of their leaching fields, infiltrators, etc are in the right of way.  The water from their home/property dumps into their infiltrators buried under ground in between the house and sea wall. It was suggested that maybe Lou Brown needed to do that, too, as it is presumed that much of the water is coming from his gutters spilling into the right of way.

Several board members stated again that this area was not a problem before Lou Brown built. Many families’ children played ball there and it was fine. 
George Dallas suggested that maybe an engineer should look at the site for a technical opinion. Who pays for it? This should not bea Stannard Beach Assn responsibility.  Was the completion of Lou Brown’s construction when the problem started?  When Bob O’Leary built his house the town was concerned and asked George to sign off on it, but that was because it was new construction on an empty lot.

Lou Brown wanted the board to know he has been talking with George Dallas about this issue for over a year (18 months) and he has never shirked his responsibility.
He is devastated by the vandalism.

The board asked George Dallas to send out an email letting assn. members know we are in the process of figuring out a solution involving drainage professionals to fix the problem.

Dave Caslin said there is no harbored resentment from the Lymans, who have gone above and beyond, on their property, to build in infiltrators to capture and drain away water.

Someone suggested whether downspouts could be connected to a pipe directing all water from the Brown property away. If there is still standing water in the right of way after any resolution, then it may be the Assn’s issue, due to sheet flow of water on 2nd Ave., after repair of the roads at that end of the street. Lou Brown stated that he could not held liable for additional remediation once a solution that he paid for was put in place, and everyone agreed that is why an engineered solution is required. We need a combination of efforts/protections so everyone is protected.

Someone said that Bill Wrang had said there was water before Lou Brown built and Lou shouldn’t have to pay to remediate, Assn should. Dennis Hersh said Lou already agreed to pay for an engineered solution, and Lou Brown agreed that he would pay.

A motion was made to have the problem repaired and resolved by June 1, 2013 made by Sandy Seidman, seconded by Merle Katzman.  Motion passed, all voted in favor.

Right of way by Marc Madnick; Are there any other problems. What is an Assn problem and what is a private property owner problem? The Assn is responsible for 2 rights of way only.  They are Fishman/Sanzo and Lyman/Brown areas.

Drainage: We need to try to make sure that any new construction must be addressed such that it does not dump water on adjacent properties. (Editor note: new Westbrook code requires this with some exceptions)

Security: Are the current hours that security is working the best for the Assn?  Maybe Lou Brown’s vandalism could have been done by a Stannard Beach Assn member who knew how to circumvent the hours.

Board members stated that we should have communicated about this problem earlier and been more judicious in remedying it.  No one knew it had been being discussed previously.

DEP:  The DEP (DEEP) has ruled that the Assn is no longer responsible for the 1992 Agreement, but also rules that jetty #2 is not authorized, so the folks it effects have the right to shorten it ,  and can have permission to do that. They can leave the uprights in place so that if shortening the groin/jetty does not work , they can put it back up.  The DEP ruling is that this must be done within a year’s time or the jetty must be removed entirely.  The beach court folks can also bring in outside sand, after a grain analysis is submitted to DEP. This group includes Nichols, Florio, Black, maybe Tosto via the accessway, and may include Jason Garner’s old house  and Adam Schwartz who owns the right of way and the sand in front of the accessway.  

The Assn has expended $12,000 because of folks at the east end (creek end) of th beach filing a notice with the DEP regarding sand, so the Assn came to them with a solution of installing rip-rap and the neighbors there said no.

DEP decision: Can it be posted to blogspot now that it is final? Also DEP decision was sent to all board members and all parties involved.  (Did we say yes or no?)

D Caslin thanked George Dallas for all of his efforts on this issue over several years.

Nominating Committee: meeting today after the board mtg.  Last year’s slate was never nominated so need to nominate a full slate. (Nominating committee report attached. )

Sharon Bender requested permission, and was given it by the Board, to erect tents across her front yard and Mackey Barron’s  front yard (#123 and #131 2nd Ave)the weekend of next August 3rd,  2013, for a family wedding. Mackey Barron has submitted written permission as well.

Cedar Lane Right of Way appeal:  Harvey Robbins advised the board that there is a settlement agreement dated July 9, 2001, where the plaintiffs listed were the Stannard Beach Assn. and Rose Madnick, Sydelle Baskind, Carol Robbin and Patricia Breen, vs Deborah Katz.  The issue was the rights and responsibilities of the Stannard Beach Assn, regarding the right of way at the base of Cedar Ln. (The papers are attached in separate email).  Harvey Robbins felt he was unable to exercise the rights laid out in the agreement and so is bringing it to the board.
John Abella, representing the rules committee, said the rules committee did look at this and file an opinion. Harvey Robbins can appeal and is doing so at the rules committee meeting after the board meeting today. H. Robbins read his proposed resolution to the board .(Attached) Harvey made a motion to accept the resolution, 2nded by Sandy Seidman. The board said it defers to the rules committee which is to meet t 10 a.m. fter the board mtg.  Motion on the table to agree  that the board is responsible for enforcing the stipulations of the 7.09.01 agreement.  Denis Hersh said it needed to go to the rules committee and follow that procedure for appeal.
Harvey Robbins wanted the BOD to accept his resolution and attach it to the mtg minutes, that the board is liable and responsible for enforcing the court decision.  Marty Weber explained  the problem is that the Assn. cannot enforce the no driving or parking in the right of way rule, unless someone stands there 24 hours, 7 days a week.  Before the fence was erected, folks were ripping up the lawn, sprinkler system and septic by driving cars over the area, so Bobby Katz told then Assn president Lou Brown he was going to put up a fence. Julian Eligator also refused to stop driving on the right of way when Lou asked him not to drive there.
So the rules committee denied the claim as it cannot be enforced. Parking – the rules committee measured the area and the accessway is more than 14 feet wide so there is no violation.

Motion to accept Harvey Robbin’s resolution to have the Stannard Beach Assn Board of Directors recognize its responsibilities under the 7.09.2001 agreement went to vote. 11 yes, 5 no, motion passed.
Motion to adjourn 10:10 a.m.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Annual mtg notice Aug 26. 2012

THE STANNARD BEACH ASSOCIATION WESTBROOK, CONNECTICUT 06498 August 8, 2012 NOTICE OF STANNARD BEACH ASSOCIATION ANNUAL 2012 MEETING SUNDAY August 26, 2012 9:00 AM in the JOAN CONNELL pavillion A light breakfast will be served starting at 8:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Bender 203 397-9026 203 397-9025 fax 203 530-2920 cell

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Stannard Beach Association general meeting July 1, 2012

Stannard Beach Association, General Meeting July 1, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m., by George Dallas, President.
Minutes of the previous meeting, dated September 10, 2011, were read. Motion to accept by Dennis Hersh, 2nded by Jim Keily. All voted in favor to accept the minutes as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: there is $51,000 in the bank accounts as of today. The town mil rate has increased by 24%, but home values are down, so will pay about the same or slightly less taxes
Our Association collected $75,600 last year. We increased to 29% valuation, which will be approximately the same as last year. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by John Abella, 2nded by Merle Katzman. All voted in favor to accept the report.
A moment of silence was observed for the passing of George Glassman and Mary Ann Bernstein.
DEP: A resolution and COP to nullify the 1992 agreement is at DEP and we are waiting for their approval.
An important rule to remember is that there is no food allowed on the beach. This is in the by-laws and rules and regs of our association, and is because folks leave food/ bottles/trash/coolers on the beach, causing a mess. Plastic bottles are in a grey area. Please remove all plastic bottles when you leave and take the bottle tops as well. No glass on the beach, please.
2nd Ave drainage and paving: This is a long term project. Beginning July 9, weather permitting, there will be saw cutting of heaved parts of the road and doing repairs. Long term we need to repave all of the roads, but need to fix the drainage issues first. Again, this is long term and very expensive.
Other construction. John and Laura Petchler have requested an emergency extension from the board to do construction during the season, for a few days, due to mandatory septic system repairs.
Security Guards: The guard is not armed this year . George Dallas felt this was ok as long as there are no incidents. Guard schedule will be Friday 6-10, Saturday 10 – 10 and Sunday 8 – 6.
Also Monday evening Water’s Edge will have 3 security guards on duty for the fireworks: 1. Top of Ripley Hill, 2. Bottom of Ripley Hill and 3. Top of Cedar Lane. Starting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday please give the guard the name and address of the folks you are visiting. This keeps down the overcrowding, especially of cars, such that in case of emergency our roads remain passable.
Keith Garabedian suggested letting the guards know who your guests will be. Daisy the ice cream truck /lady has been invited to the beach during the fireworks.
Council of beaches: checking 4 Westbrook beaches for mooring registrations. All moorings in Westbrook must be registered. Is free.
Disaster control: register with the town.
Nominating Committee: Sandy Seidman named as chair this year. Committee comprised of Dennis Hersh, George Palmer, Linda Pinn and Dave Caslin.
New members: Maureen Keegan and Mike Thomann at 5 beach court were welcomed.
Jessica Whelan bought 28 Avenue C from Brian Geremia.
Trash pick up: Finkelday company has been purchased by All-Waste. Pick ups are now on Monday, recycling is every other Monday, 7/2, 7/16 and 7/30..... The transfer station on McVey is also available.
Elin Katz thanked the Assn for putting up dog poop trash bag dispensers, and noted a trash can is needed by the tennis courts, where there always used to be one. Unfortunately now it often disappears. Needs to be chained, unchained Sunday night and rechained Monday morning after emptied. There are 3 poop bag dispensers and one more coming.
Directory: Ably updated by Steve and Barbara Mason. Please provide them with any contact information updates. The directory will be distributed via email as a PDF file, and can be mailed to those without email.
Beach regatta/picnic: August 5. Steve Mason will organize the regatta and we will have a picnic afterwards on the baseball field. High tide is at noon and competitions will be set up. Vy Kava is looking for volunteers for water, face painting and grills/ grilling for the picnic/ice cream social, which will be from 1-3 p.m. and offered by an ice cream truck from Glastonbury
Thank you to Vy Kava for helping to make the breakfast before and at the meeting happen. (bagels are from Cohen’s in Clinton).
New Business: Peter Black from Beach Court -
Erosion: All of the Old Saybrook end of the beach is eroding. All of the entire east coast is eroding. We want to approach the town about replenishing the beach sand. The mean high tide line at the eastern end of the beach is at the seawall. The Assn used to push in sand from the sand bar. Can we ask the town or state to replenish sand as we pay a lot in taxes. Waterfront property owners pay a higher premium in taxes for the beach, not for the roads. Discussion continued to explain littoral shifts, salt island effects on sand movement, etc – all natural forces moving the sand continually. We are in on going discussion with the DEP on this subject – we are a private beach so do not have as much clout as areas like Hammonasset, which are public.
Sydelle Baskind asked about the emergency phone numbers - go onto the Westbrook town website and register our phone number and address for emergency updates.
Tennis courts: trees are hanging over the tennis court and basketball court. Merle Katzman suggestd leaving a broom on the courts to simply brush them off.
Lynne Nathan asked if we could sawcut/repair the roads in September instead of during the summer. No, as this is our slot of time in the contractor’s schedule.
Dennis Hersh brought up the fact that there are some weekly renters who are smoking and drinking outside at 5 and 6 in the morning. Who are these folks/ owners and what about enforcing a strict rule regarding a minimum of monthly rentals. Weekly renters keep moving up and down the beach so they “don’t wake up the land”. If you know the landlord please remind them of the monthly rental rule.
Note on email sent last week. We are all here to enjoy the beach. Please be respectful of what is public and what property is private. That means stacking of beach chairs along private beach seawalls is not allowed. Cannot do that on other folks’ property. Please be conscious of that and try to respect each persons right to use the beach responsibly.
Merle Katzman – use of the beach itself. Years ago in the pre-Fishman house folks were thrown out of area from in front the are in front of Wrang to Sanzo (area that was Wrang back then). We need to be civil to each other and allow folks to use he beach. This is a legal issue that has been documented in prior legal actions.
Fireworks: going off at 10:30 p.m. last night from Pointina Beach. Since they are a disturbance that late at night, if anyone can identify who is setting them off please notify the State police.
Dennis Hersh thanked George Dallas for all of his work on behalf of our Association, in George’s long tenure as our president.
Motion to adjourn made by Dennis Hersh, 2nded by Sandy Seidman. All voted to adjourn at 10:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sharon Bender, Secretary

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Board of Directors meeting June 24, 2012

Stannard Beach Association, Westbrook, CT

Board of Directors meeting June 24, 2012

Meeting convened 9:05 a.m. by Assn President George Dallas

Treasurer’s Report: (also attached) The budget will be of the same dollar amount as last year, more money will be directed to major projects. There will be no legal costs budgeted.

Property values are down by 13%; there will be no decrease in the Town Of Westbrook mil rate. Our Assn will go from a mil rate of 1.3 to 1.67 to maintain the same income for the Assn as last year. 

There is just over $50,000 total as of June 24, 2012 in checking and savings

Roads: We will have approximately $75,000 for next year to fix the road, after this year’s Assn taxes are collected.

Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Steve Mason and seconded by Merle Katzman. All voted in favor to accept.

Sand: Waiting for DEP letter finalizing COP and no longer requiring the Assn to move sand.
Assn has spent $15,000 in bills for engineers, lawyers, etc. to end the 1992 agreement that came with a permit to build jetty.

2nd Ave road repair: Mid price is $250,000 for paving and drainage plan with bins to collect and strain water through  sand. Includes Maple Ave, Ave B and Stannard court.  All the water rushes down 2nd Ave towards the creek .It is against DEP regulations to push the water out to sea – need holding tanks first with sand to filter the water. So we need an engineering assessment.

John Abella obtained a paving proposal from JLS Paving, his brother in law, for $3/foot to grade, put process 1&1/2” asphalt, sealant.  Is $90,000 in paving from Water’s Edge to Lincoln Tedeschi’s house only.  Need more specs.

Steve Mason said that for years the Town of Westbrook only oiled the roads at the creek. That end floods as the water drainage backs up. Need to look at the drain pipe that takes all the water from Ripley Hill Rd. and dumps it into a pipe in beach and down to ocean.  Where and when does Ripley Hill Rd water become public water and require town help to properly drain. The current drains are grandfathered in.  Do we need a curtain drain at the bottom of Ripley Hill Rd? Majority of BOD members felt that we do not. Cannot put in drains similar to what is there now as those drains are grandfathered in.
Paving at the corner of Avenue C also has a drainage tank. It does overflow in heavy rains but does drain down.

Mark Madnick said 3 or 4 times per year large puddles by his end of 2nd Ave. Drains fill up with mud, then it seeps out and dissipates.
The elbow in front of Adam Schwartz’s house is broken – it is to carry 2nd Ave water down to the creek. Need to fix the elbow and have rotor rooted out annually.
How can we drain the water and also protect the houses by the creek end of 2nd Ave?

Are we fixing/paving 2nd Ave, with drainage, or are we addressing drainage issues specifically, or are we not dealing with drainage and strictly just paving?

If the Assn undertakes a full project it will cost each household $672/yr. for 10 years.

Just fix the broken drain for $5000.

The Town of Westbrook will not come in and oil and sand any more as it is no longer considered environmentally appropriate.

Need to obtain an estimate to clear out drains and egress for water.

To simply patch is $4/square ft., $3128 total, per proposal obtained by John Abella from his brother in law, JLS Paving.  Proposal attached to this report. Includes one 8x5 area by Fedorko residence and repairs by Abella/Webber, Caslin, Brown, Fishman, Mason, Katz, Hersch and Webber properties.  $782 sq. ft. total.

Motion to approve $9500 to repair 2nd Ave patching and drainage elbow. Vote passed.

Much of the drainage is from the Water’s Edge project?

Mark Miller will investigate weight limits of trucks that may and may not be reasonable on our roads. Mark is a civil engineer.  All the pivoting of heavy machinery tears up the roads.

Security: Fireworks at Water’s Edge is scheduled for Monday, July 2 with a rain date of Tuesday, July 3. Cars must check in at the top of Cedar Lane.  Residents and guests must register by giving their names and the address of house they are going to.

Overcrowding: A family had 30 visitors at one time and overwhelmed the access way of the beach. Does the Assn make a policy about this? The bigger question is what to do about boats, dinghies, chairs, coolers, etc. How to make a fair policy?  Legally, private ownership of the beach begins at the mean high tide line in front of waterfront owners' homes.  Where do all the other, non waterfront owner people put their boats and stuff? When Bellsky owned the Fishman house a judge said everyone could use the beach in front of all the houses but before and after that no one put boats or chairs on waterfront property owners’ property.  Some Board members disagreed with that recollection.

Need to send an announcement asking all folks to be good neighbors, and if you are having a larger party let the assn. and your neighbors know. Remind folks that no dogs are allowed on the beach.

The By-laws do not allow food on the beach. Security guard must tell these folks to take food off of the beach. It is public beach below the mean high tide line, regarding parties, dogs, etc. George Dallas will   go over this with the security guard and send out a notice with that section of the By-laws that apply to this.

There are lots of chairs and other things on beach from folks who have access to specific rights of way to the beach.

Picnic/Ice Cream Social/Regatta: Sunday, August 5, starting noon to 1 p.m. will include grilling dogs and burgers, ice cream. Make Stannard Beach t-shirts? No.  We may create a design and put it on the web so folks can do what they want with it.

Dog droppings: Motion was made to install stands with dog poop bag dispensers. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned 10 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Bender, Assn Secretary