The Meeting was called to order by George Dallas at 9:01AM
First item of business to define the Building Commission, the vote to rescind the commission was defeated at the General Meeting 08/30/09. The Commission is made up of the following members:
Sandy Seidman, Past President of the Stannard Beach Association, Jason Garner, Builder and Carmela Dallas, Real Estate business with a area of expertise in Building and remodeling.
The purpose of the Building Commission is to be aware of all construction that takes place in our community, and to protect Stannard Beach residents from unsightly obstructions. The commission will take a look at all permits to see if there is a need to protect or notify the residents of changes, especially over the winter months when so few resident are here.
A question was raised about the consequences for a violation, it was stated there is a fine of $250.00 for violators who fail to comply. George Dallas stated that the Intent of this committee is very good however can be seen as a bit murky. Harvey Robbin suggested a to form a mission statement or a charter so to speak for the new building Commission. John Abella stated that the Bylaws already clearly state there is to be no Obstructions on 1st & 2nd Avenues. Sandy Seidman reiterates that this commission is advisory in nature and will take a look at all construction to be certain that no rules or bylaws are broken. Again, George Dallas stated that the commission is solely the eyes and ears of the neighborhood.
George Dallas asked for a volunteer go to the Council of Beaches meetings when held. Sandy Seidman agreed to go to the Towns meetings on the council of Beaches as time permits .
George Palmer said the October 1, 2009 the trash will be collected on Thursdays with the recycling staying the same on Wednesdays.
Many Thanks were given to Steve & Barbara Mason for a job well done on updating our directory. They put in lots of time and effort and the result is an excellent and helpful document.
Jetty # 1 has been repaired and the gaping holes that were evident after the initial repair have been fixed as well. The #2 & 3 Jetties need further repair as George Dallas id waiting on a cost estimate on those repairs. George Dallas and Jim Kiley will be looking further at a document from the DEP regarding the moving of sand. Jim Kiley said the document require us to move sand as needed or build a passage over the jetties. George Dallas said he would like to get to a point where sand will not need to be moved. The suggestion of a onetime expense of stairs over the jetties will eliminate the need to move the sand. It was said that the moving of sand is very temporary, Jim Kiley made notice that after the sand was pushed up about 10 feet the next tide removed about 2 feet, but the remaining 8 or so feet seemed to stay. It was somewhat helpful in maintaining the beach front.
George Dallas said he sent a letter to the owner of the set of stairs on the Beach Court end of the beach to either repair or replace their stairs. The Insurance Company was notified that the association has contacted the owners of these stairs condition and these stairs needing repairs or replacement. George Dallas will write another letter to the Tosco’s to ask her once again to repair or remove her stairs.
The Southern Connecticut Gas Company has three applications for new Gas service to our residents. The Gas Company laid the gas lines along Second Ave. which is private property. The returned to patch the road as it should have been done. Marty Webber stated he is investigating whether or not the Gas Company had the right to do their work. He also said the Gas Company is at a point where we have leverage over them to demand that if there want the three new gas customers, they must repair our roads back to the condition they found them if we allow their service to be installed. Harvey Robbin made a motion to the board to authorize the president to sign an easement to allow the Gas company to continue to provide services as needed to our residents, but also make it mandatory that they return the property back to the condition they found it prior to gas pining installation. All but 2 voted in favor of passing the motion, the motion passed. George Dallas will make sure the easement is properly written.
George Palmer stated that all estimates are not in on the Tennis courts but was expecting them to be around $4,000.00. Jeff Morris made a motion to authorize George Palmer up to $5,000.00 for Tennis court maintenance so he can move forward. Motion passed.
5. Capital Budget
Flood mediation on Cedar Lane. Catch water at Cedar Lane and Stannard Court to alleviate some more of the issue. George Dallas is talking with John Riggio from the Town of Westbrook for a new process which is 1” layer put to cover cracks and holes. Initial estimate was approximately $18,000.00 but should be more because of potholes. If we move forward with road repairs, notices should be sent out to all residents prior to construction start so everyone is aware of the construction, Also it should not commence prior to the Gas companies installations, It should begin when they are done. A Motion was made to allow George Dallas to get estimates on road repairs to seek approval at the General meeting.
6. Nominating
Jeff Morris noted that at the General Meeting, George Dallas did not properly appoint a nominating committee. The Committee consists of two Board members, Stephen Powers and Michael Guinan, and two non board members, Michael Rottblatt and Linda Pinn. The Committee selected, Jason Garner, Michael Grennan and Mark Miller. All 3 are new residents to our association. There were questions on how their lack of knowledge may be a hindrance as new board members. The new members present stated that it would be their position to bring fresh new ideas to the board while they still have a great respect for the more experienced members. Lew Brown said that the nominating committee should have proposed a slate. There was a technicality where the President is a 2 year term, but it must be voted on yearly. Steve Mason said he’d check the Bylaws for and issues on the quantity of men vs. women, or old residents vs. new residents and any other criteria for future nominating. Sandy Seidman stated he felt a past president should be on the nominating committee. Dennis Hersh kindly offered to amend all the bylaws form 2004 to present to add clarity to what should and should not be done.
7. Treasurers Report
John Kava reported our income is $64,088.88. He also said he found a Bank that would be willing to allow us to have a Money Market account. We should be able to move about $40,000.00 and that will earn approximately $400.00 annually. A motion was approved for John to move forward to open the Money Market account.
The Meeting was adjourned at 10:16AM
Respectfully Submitted
Marie Gallo Garabedian
Monday, February 8, 2010
8/30/09 General Meeting Minutes
The General meeting of the Stannard Beach Association was called to order at 9:07AM by President George Dallas.
George Dallas stated that no huge issues have occurred and it has been a good year with the following progress made.
1. Every right of way has stairs
2. Jetty # 1 has been repaired; hopefully it will help with our sand issue. Other Jetties and groins have been repaired as well.
3. Pavilion ceiling repaired with new chicken wire being installed.
4. NO parking signs have been installed on Cedar Lane and Second Ave. Beach Court is still a challenge but it is a work in progress. George Dallas asked all to be conscious of where they park, be sure to see if there is clearance should any emergency vehicles need to pass or park.
5. Golf Carts have not posed as much of a problem as in years past, George reminds us that Golf cart drives need to be 16 years of age. Harvey Robbin remembers that our Bylaws were amended to state licensed drivers only (will research). George Dallas also commented that he had heard of a regulation being passed that Golf cart owner may need to register their golf carts with the State of Connecticut.
6. There are plans to update all the bylaws as our current copy is dated 2004.
7. Our security guards have been very good this year and have done an excellent job.
8. Notifications of meetings will be done by e-mail as this motion passed last meeting and the bylaws will be amended as such. People without an e-mail address should make the secretary aware so they can still receive their notices by US Mail.
9. Please remember Dogs are not allowed on the beach, the reasoning is a health issue.
10. Movie nights were a huge success again this year. Many thanks to The Katz family for hosting these 2 fun nights. The consensus is that everyone would like to see them continue.
The Minutes were read by Marie Garabedian and the motion was made to accept them by Harvey Robbin, seconded by George Palmer. The minutes were accepted.
After the reading of the minutes there was a brief discussion with regards to the Kessler’s new parking space along Second Ave. adjacent to Waters Edge property. It was suggested, in future talks with the Water’s Edge administration, to ask them to carve out spaces in their property for the Kessler’s to park allowing better access for our property owners to get in and out of their properties.
John Kava reported that the Checking account was at $61,700.00 and our CD was at $5,700.00. Approximately 72% of the receivables have been collected with the remaining expected in this week. A motion was made to accept the report by Merle Katzman and seconded by Dave Chozick.
Sharon Bender reported that Jetty # 1 being repaired, hopefully it will help with our sand Issue. She strongly suggests we stay proactive on the issues of the Jetties, groins and sand.
Al Berkon brought up the possibility of scheduled weekly beach cleanups. The discussion was whether it is a good or bad idea to have weekly clean ups. The Bylaws state it is private property to the hide tide mark and it should be each owner’s responsibility to clean their part of beach. Dave Chozick suggested an exploratory committee to look at the cost of routine beach cleaning. Some thoughts were a rake type device on a golf cart, or possibly get some neighborhood teens to do the job for a fee. There were mixed thoughts on hiring teens due to liability and such. Also brought up were the two rather large logs in front of Kiley’s & Rottblatt’s. Michael Rottblatt said he called the coast guard and they could do nothing regarding the drift wood on the beach, they referred him to the Army Core of Engineers. Michael also said that they are satisfied with having both logs remain until May as not to incur unnecessary financial demands on the association. Jeff Morris disagreed with Michael Rottblatt. Lew Brown stated that it is in the bylaws that the association is responsible for cleaning the beach once a year. The discussion was raised whether or not these are a hazard, and it does not appear that they are. With all that said, Al Berkon made a motion that $5,000.00 should be put in the budget to clean beach once a week for a Ten week period to begin after Memorial Day. The motion was seconded by Lynne Nathan. The discussion continued as follows: George Palmer stated it is in our Bylaws and cannot be a motion; a point of order was made by Dennis Hersh. Michael Rottblatt said nobody likes special assessments, and that may be needed with the added cost of regular clean ups. The water front homeowners actually own to the high tide point and that is private property. Michael feels it is very important to maintain our funding. Dennis Hersh reiterated that beach cleanup should be the owner’s responsibility and that it should remain once in the spring for the large debris. Steve Mason stated that the seaweed comes and the seaweed goes with each passing tide. He cleans his own portion and is opposed to paying $5,000.00 for regular cleaning. Carmela Dallas questioned whether or not permission would have to be granted by each waterfront owner to have someone do the regular clean ups. She suggested have a neighborhood social clean up, plan it for when we know there was a storm and the debris is heavy and to also continue to do our best to pick up after our selves. George Dallas asked for a vote on the Motion, Should the Stannard Beach association be responsible for regular clean ups? The vote was taken and there were only three in favor of regular cleanups. The Motion was defeated. Dave Chozick stated that we all are concerned about the condition of our beach, Carmela Dallas’ idea about a neighborhood cleanup periodically is a great idea, Dave Chozick suggested doing a study regarding regular beach maintenance.
Jeff Morris made a motion to rescind the new Building Commission. Seconded by ??
The discussion was to explain the commission thoroughly. The purpose of the commission is to be the eyes and ears of all the Stannard Beach residents for proposed construction that may violate any of the Bylaws, especially over the winter months when so few residents are here. Michael Rottblatt said that in the past people have violated the Bylaws and regulations, this commission is to protect us from obstructions and things like apartments over garages, it allows us to catch things in violation and nip them in the bud before structures are erected. Lew Brown stated that a $250 a day fine was part of what was passed and a motion passed years ago about permanent structures on the beach. Steve Mason felt that the $250 per day should be amended to be $250 fine period. A vote was taken on the Motion to rescind the building commission. 13 voted in favor of rescinding and 19 voted to keep the building commission. The motion to rescind the building commission was defeated.
Al Berkon made a motion to implement a committee of volunteers to study beach cleanup, it was seconded by Dave Chozik.
Lynne Nathan asked that we no longer move sand from the sand bar as it upsets the ecological environment. It was brought up that in 1992 the DEP stated that the association is responsible for maintaining the sand. Other documents state that there should be a safe passage over the Jetties. There are two possible ways of handling the safe passage issue; one is to push sand over the jetties and the other would be to install stairs over the groins. A better look will be taken at these documents by George Dallas and Jim Kiely to see which the best way to handle this matter.
The nominating committee, who are Linda Pinn, Michael Guinan, Stephen Powers and Michael Rottblatt, selected the follow three new members:
Jason Garner
Michael Grennan
Mark Miller
They are to serve for a three year term to begin September 2009.
A Point of order was called by Dennis Hersh, stating there should be a motion to deviate from the bylaws because the nominating committee was not selected at the July 3, 2009 meeting. Sandy Seidman made the motion to accept the deviation from the bylaws and the motion passed.
The question was raised regarding Water’s Edge plans before the Town Zoning board to build approximately 12 new units near the pool. As of now we are having neighborly meetings with Water’s Edge to get things done we need them to do. Thus far they agreed to planting shrubs along Ripley Hill Rd to alleviate people parking there and entering their units from there. We are trying to continue all the neighborly discussions with Water’s Edge.
Jeff Morris questioned an e-mail he received regarding whether or not past president should remain on the board and should they still hold a vote since they have a general vote. Jeff Morris said they bring a lot of experience to the board and should remain as members. Dennis Hersh stated that there was a lengthy discussion held about 4 years ago. The idea was defeated and he does not think it should be revisited again. He also stated that he felt it would be disrespectful if the past Presidents were not allowed to vote as a board member. Sandy Sidman stated that the “real voting” takes place at the General meeting. A Motion was made by Raelea Bobrow to continue as we have in the past and leave the bylaws as is in regards to past presidents and make it a resolution. The motion was accepted.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:21AM
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marie Gallo-Garabedian
The General meeting of the Stannard Beach Association was called to order at 9:07AM by President George Dallas.
George Dallas stated that no huge issues have occurred and it has been a good year with the following progress made.
1. Every right of way has stairs
2. Jetty # 1 has been repaired; hopefully it will help with our sand issue. Other Jetties and groins have been repaired as well.
3. Pavilion ceiling repaired with new chicken wire being installed.
4. NO parking signs have been installed on Cedar Lane and Second Ave. Beach Court is still a challenge but it is a work in progress. George Dallas asked all to be conscious of where they park, be sure to see if there is clearance should any emergency vehicles need to pass or park.
5. Golf Carts have not posed as much of a problem as in years past, George reminds us that Golf cart drives need to be 16 years of age. Harvey Robbin remembers that our Bylaws were amended to state licensed drivers only (will research). George Dallas also commented that he had heard of a regulation being passed that Golf cart owner may need to register their golf carts with the State of Connecticut.
6. There are plans to update all the bylaws as our current copy is dated 2004.
7. Our security guards have been very good this year and have done an excellent job.
8. Notifications of meetings will be done by e-mail as this motion passed last meeting and the bylaws will be amended as such. People without an e-mail address should make the secretary aware so they can still receive their notices by US Mail.
9. Please remember Dogs are not allowed on the beach, the reasoning is a health issue.
10. Movie nights were a huge success again this year. Many thanks to The Katz family for hosting these 2 fun nights. The consensus is that everyone would like to see them continue.
The Minutes were read by Marie Garabedian and the motion was made to accept them by Harvey Robbin, seconded by George Palmer. The minutes were accepted.
After the reading of the minutes there was a brief discussion with regards to the Kessler’s new parking space along Second Ave. adjacent to Waters Edge property. It was suggested, in future talks with the Water’s Edge administration, to ask them to carve out spaces in their property for the Kessler’s to park allowing better access for our property owners to get in and out of their properties.
John Kava reported that the Checking account was at $61,700.00 and our CD was at $5,700.00. Approximately 72% of the receivables have been collected with the remaining expected in this week. A motion was made to accept the report by Merle Katzman and seconded by Dave Chozick.
Sharon Bender reported that Jetty # 1 being repaired, hopefully it will help with our sand Issue. She strongly suggests we stay proactive on the issues of the Jetties, groins and sand.
Al Berkon brought up the possibility of scheduled weekly beach cleanups. The discussion was whether it is a good or bad idea to have weekly clean ups. The Bylaws state it is private property to the hide tide mark and it should be each owner’s responsibility to clean their part of beach. Dave Chozick suggested an exploratory committee to look at the cost of routine beach cleaning. Some thoughts were a rake type device on a golf cart, or possibly get some neighborhood teens to do the job for a fee. There were mixed thoughts on hiring teens due to liability and such. Also brought up were the two rather large logs in front of Kiley’s & Rottblatt’s. Michael Rottblatt said he called the coast guard and they could do nothing regarding the drift wood on the beach, they referred him to the Army Core of Engineers. Michael also said that they are satisfied with having both logs remain until May as not to incur unnecessary financial demands on the association. Jeff Morris disagreed with Michael Rottblatt. Lew Brown stated that it is in the bylaws that the association is responsible for cleaning the beach once a year. The discussion was raised whether or not these are a hazard, and it does not appear that they are. With all that said, Al Berkon made a motion that $5,000.00 should be put in the budget to clean beach once a week for a Ten week period to begin after Memorial Day. The motion was seconded by Lynne Nathan. The discussion continued as follows: George Palmer stated it is in our Bylaws and cannot be a motion; a point of order was made by Dennis Hersh. Michael Rottblatt said nobody likes special assessments, and that may be needed with the added cost of regular clean ups. The water front homeowners actually own to the high tide point and that is private property. Michael feels it is very important to maintain our funding. Dennis Hersh reiterated that beach cleanup should be the owner’s responsibility and that it should remain once in the spring for the large debris. Steve Mason stated that the seaweed comes and the seaweed goes with each passing tide. He cleans his own portion and is opposed to paying $5,000.00 for regular cleaning. Carmela Dallas questioned whether or not permission would have to be granted by each waterfront owner to have someone do the regular clean ups. She suggested have a neighborhood social clean up, plan it for when we know there was a storm and the debris is heavy and to also continue to do our best to pick up after our selves. George Dallas asked for a vote on the Motion, Should the Stannard Beach association be responsible for regular clean ups? The vote was taken and there were only three in favor of regular cleanups. The Motion was defeated. Dave Chozick stated that we all are concerned about the condition of our beach, Carmela Dallas’ idea about a neighborhood cleanup periodically is a great idea, Dave Chozick suggested doing a study regarding regular beach maintenance.
Jeff Morris made a motion to rescind the new Building Commission. Seconded by ??
The discussion was to explain the commission thoroughly. The purpose of the commission is to be the eyes and ears of all the Stannard Beach residents for proposed construction that may violate any of the Bylaws, especially over the winter months when so few residents are here. Michael Rottblatt said that in the past people have violated the Bylaws and regulations, this commission is to protect us from obstructions and things like apartments over garages, it allows us to catch things in violation and nip them in the bud before structures are erected. Lew Brown stated that a $250 a day fine was part of what was passed and a motion passed years ago about permanent structures on the beach. Steve Mason felt that the $250 per day should be amended to be $250 fine period. A vote was taken on the Motion to rescind the building commission. 13 voted in favor of rescinding and 19 voted to keep the building commission. The motion to rescind the building commission was defeated.
Al Berkon made a motion to implement a committee of volunteers to study beach cleanup, it was seconded by Dave Chozik.
Lynne Nathan asked that we no longer move sand from the sand bar as it upsets the ecological environment. It was brought up that in 1992 the DEP stated that the association is responsible for maintaining the sand. Other documents state that there should be a safe passage over the Jetties. There are two possible ways of handling the safe passage issue; one is to push sand over the jetties and the other would be to install stairs over the groins. A better look will be taken at these documents by George Dallas and Jim Kiely to see which the best way to handle this matter.
The nominating committee, who are Linda Pinn, Michael Guinan, Stephen Powers and Michael Rottblatt, selected the follow three new members:
Jason Garner
Michael Grennan
Mark Miller
They are to serve for a three year term to begin September 2009.
A Point of order was called by Dennis Hersh, stating there should be a motion to deviate from the bylaws because the nominating committee was not selected at the July 3, 2009 meeting. Sandy Seidman made the motion to accept the deviation from the bylaws and the motion passed.
The question was raised regarding Water’s Edge plans before the Town Zoning board to build approximately 12 new units near the pool. As of now we are having neighborly meetings with Water’s Edge to get things done we need them to do. Thus far they agreed to planting shrubs along Ripley Hill Rd to alleviate people parking there and entering their units from there. We are trying to continue all the neighborly discussions with Water’s Edge.
Jeff Morris questioned an e-mail he received regarding whether or not past president should remain on the board and should they still hold a vote since they have a general vote. Jeff Morris said they bring a lot of experience to the board and should remain as members. Dennis Hersh stated that there was a lengthy discussion held about 4 years ago. The idea was defeated and he does not think it should be revisited again. He also stated that he felt it would be disrespectful if the past Presidents were not allowed to vote as a board member. Sandy Sidman stated that the “real voting” takes place at the General meeting. A Motion was made by Raelea Bobrow to continue as we have in the past and leave the bylaws as is in regards to past presidents and make it a resolution. The motion was accepted.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:21AM
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marie Gallo-Garabedian
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